What is Christianity?. Douglas Jacobsen
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List of Figures
1.1 Figure of Jesus as a young shepherd (from the catacomb ofPriscilla, Rome, third century) and Jesus as a middle-agedjudge (from the Chora Church in Istanbul, originallyconstructed in the later fourth century)
1.2 Geographic locations of the three traditions created by the Great Division
1.3 Diagram of the Great Division summarizing Christological differences
2.1 Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (Sibiu, Romania), interior of main dome
2.2 Floor plans of the ancient Temple in Jerusalem and a typicalOrthodox church showing similarity of layout
2.3 Simplified map of Eastern Europe showing national boundariesin 1700 and 1900
2.4 Interior of small Orthodox church (Cyprus)
3.1 Statues of the Infant of Prague (the young Jesus) for sale at a shop near the Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague (Czech Republic), where the original statue is on display
3.2 Chiesa di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola, a Baroque style Catholicchurch in Rome built in the early 1600s, showing apse at thefront of the sanctuary and details from the painted ceiling
4.1 Interior of Hungarian Reformed Church in Sibiu, Romania illustrating the centrality of the pulpit in Protestant church architecture
4.2 Religious map of Catholic and Protestant Europe c. 1650. (Regions colored white were predominantly Orthodox)
5.1 Aimee Semple McPherson (front row, second from left) in a performance at her church, Angelus Temple, in Los Angeles
5.2 Social structure of Pentecostalism
6.1 Graph showing changing percentage of all Christians who lived in Europe and who lived elsewhere during the period 1500 to the present
7.1 Global geographic profiles of the world’s four largest religions
7.2 Nine regions of the world, with percentage (in parenthesis) of world’s Christian population
List of Tables
2.1 Major Eastern Orthodox Churches with current ecclesiastical status and estimated membership
4.1 Five major Protestant families, representing two-thirds of all Protestants worldwide
Introduction What Is Christianity?
Christianity is the most popular and influential religion in human history. Launched by Jesus of Nazareth two thousand years ago, the Christian movement currently has more than two and a half billion members. Christians are now located in every country