Trust in Computer Systems and the Cloud. Mike Bursell

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Trust in Computer Systems and the Cloud - Mike Bursell

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As you start delving deeper and examining how to apply the concept—or multiple concepts—to computing, it becomes clear that it is actually a very complex field. As we consider how business A deploys software from software provider B, using libraries from open source community C and proprietary software provider D, for consumption by organisation E and its user group F on hardware supplied by manufacturer G running a BIOS from H, an operating system from I, and a virtualisation stack from J, using storage from K, over a network from L, owned by cloud service provider M, we realise that we are already halfway through the alphabet and have yet to consider any of the humans in the mix. We need, as a security and IT community, to be able to talk about trust—but there is little literature or discussion of the subject aimed at our requirements and the day-to-day decisions we make about how to architect, design, write, deploy, run, monitor, patch, and decommission the systems we manage. This book provides a starting point for those decisions, building on work across multiple disciplines and applying them to the world of computing and the cloud.

      1 1 End user licenses or license agreements.

      2 2 Popularised by Docker, Inc.

      I trust my brother and my sister with my life. My brother is a doctor, and my sister trained as a diving instructor, so I wouldn't necessarily trust my sister to provide emergency medical aid or my brother to service my scuba gear. I should actually be even more explicit because there are times when I would trust my sister in the context of emergency medical aid: I'm sure she'd be more than capable of performing CPR, for example. On the other hand, my brother is a paediatrician, not a surgeon, so I'd not be very confident about allowing him to perform an appendectomy on me. To go further, my sister has not worked as a diving instructor for several years now, so I might consider whether my trust in her abilities should be impacted by that.

      This is not a book about human relationships or trust between humans, but about trust in computer systems. In order to understand what that means—or even can mean—however, we need to understand what we mean by trust. Trust is a word that arises out of human interactions and human relationships. Words are tricky. Words can mean different things to different people in different contexts.

      The classic example of words meaning different things depending on context is the names of colours—the light frequencies included in the colours I identify as mauve, beige, and ultramarine are very likely different to yours—but there are other examples that are equally or more extreme. If I discuss “scheduling” with an events coordinator, a DevOps expert, and a kernel developer, each person will almost certainly have a different view of what I mean.

      The sort of decisions that I have described around trusting my sister and brother are ones that humans make all the time, often without thinking about them. Without giving it undue thought, we understand that multiple contexts are being considered here, including:

       My relationship to the other person

       Their relationship to me

       The different contexts of their expertise

       The impact that time can have on trust

      This list, simple as it is, already exposes several important points about trust relationships to which we will return time and time again in this book: they are asymmetric (trust may be different in one direction to another), they are contextual (medical expertise and diving equipment expertise are not the same), and they are affected by time. As noted earlier, this book is not about human relationships and trust—though how we consider our relationships will be important to our discussions—but about trust in computing systems. Too often, we do not think much about trust relationships between computing systems (hardware, software, and firmware), and when we do, the sort of statements that tend to emerge are “This component trusts the server” or “We connect to this trusted system”. Of course, in the absence of significantly greater levels of artificial intelligence than are currently in evidence at the time of writing, computing systems cannot make the sort of complex and nuanced decisions about trust relationships that humans make; but it turns out that trust is vitally important in computing systems, unstated and implicit though it usually is.

      Why is there such a range of views around trust? We have already looked at some of the complexity of trust between humans. Let us try to tease out some of the reasons for people's confusion by starting with four fairly innocuously simple-looking statements:

       I trust my brother and my sister.

       I trust my bank.

       My bank trusts its IT systems.

       My bank's IT systems trust each other.

      When you make four statements like this, it quickly becomes clear that something different is going on in each case. Specifically, the word trust signifies something very different in each of the four statements. Our first step is to make the decision to avoid using the word trust as a transitive verb—a word with a simple object, as in these examples—and instead talk about trust relationships to another entity. This is because there is a danger, when using the word trust transitively, that we may confuse a unidirectional relationship with a bidirectional relationship. In the second case, for example, the bank may well have a relationship with me, but it is how I think of the

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