Materials for Solar Energy Conversion. Группа авторов

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Materials for Solar Energy Conversion - Группа авторов

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- Wavelength

      k - Boltzmann constant

      T - Absolute temperature

      1.5.3 Wien’s Displacement Law

      The relation between maximum emissive power wavelength and temperature of black body in given by the following expression:

Energy From light From chemical From electrical From mechanical From heat
To Chemical photo-synthesis foods electro-plating Digestion of food Gasifier
To Electrical Solar cells Powered torch light-battery Fuel cell Transformer Wave power Electric generator Windmill Thermo-electric Geothermal Ocean-thermal power Thermo-couple
To Mechanical photoelectric Adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis Chemical Nutrients Power drill flywheel Heat engines
To Light laser Most flame-characterized combustions Radium used to be painted Electric lamp spark Match box
To Heat Solar cells Burning of wood Firing Electric heater Rubbing of hands together Heat exchanger

      1.6.1 Sources of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy

      Renewable and non-renewable energy are of two types, in general, on the planet earth used by living organisms.

      Renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources are defined as the energy achieved from natural sources that are continuously produced by themselves for a day-to-day activity usage in a periods of time. These energy systems comprise sun, ocean waves, biomass (wastage of vegetable materials), hydel-power plants, and also some other such resources. This type of energy is also stated as green or sustainable or nonconventional energy sources.

      Non-renewable energy sources: Non-renewable energy sources are defined as the fuel that do not rejuvenated itself continuously once utilized on the scale of levels that sustain its rate of consumption. These resources are presented in a larger amount of fixed quantities and used quickly as faster than nature could produce. Some best suitable instances are coal, nuclear energy, fossil fuels, natural gas, petroleum products, uranium, etc.

      1.6.2 Differentiate Between Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources

S.No Aspects Renewable energy Non-renewable energy
1 Origin Earth’s atmosphere— Not human made Underground layers of Earth-Natural resources
2 Restrictions Eco-friendly to use Serious impact on environment leads to climatic change
3 Skills Interdisciplinary More awareness link with engineering terms
4 Life of Resources Finite Infinite and vanish
5 Scale Small Large
6 Impacts on environment 3%–4% of CO2 91%–94% of CO2
7 Harmful to environment Less harmful More polluted to air, water
8 Requirements of area Larger Smaller
9 Maintenance cost High Low
10 Safety Precaution Less More
11 Examples Solar, tidal energy, ethanol, biofuels, methanol, biodiesel, etc. Oil, natural gas, minerals, etc.

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