Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением. Сборник

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[dju:k] [hɜ:d] [ðɪs] ['wɔ:nɪŋ],

      he started to prepare his castles for war.

      [hi:] ['stɑ:tɪd] [tu:] [prɪ'peǝ] [hɪz] ['kɑ:slz] [fɔ:] [wɔ:].

      The duke had two stronɡ castles,

      [ðǝ] [dju:k] [hæd] [tu:] [strɒŋ] ['kɑ:slz],

      the biɡɡer one was called Terrabil,

      [ðǝ] ['bɪɡǝ] [wʌn] [wɒz] [kɔ:ld] ['tɛrǝbil],

      and the smaller one was called Tintaɡil.

      [ænd] [ðǝ] ['smɔ:lǝ] [wʌn] [wɒz] [kɔ:ld] ['tɪntǝɡil].

      The duke put his wife Iɡraine in the castle of Tintaɡil,

      [ðǝ] [dju:k] [pʊt] [hɪz] [waɪf] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɪntǝɡil],

      and he put himself in the castle of Terrabil,

      [ænd] [hi:] [pʊt] [hɪm'sɛlf] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɛrǝbil],

      which had many secret exits and passaɡeways.

      [wɪʧ] [hæd] ['mɛni] ['si:krɪt] ['ɛksɪts] [ænd] ['pæsɪʤweɪz].

      Then in all haste[4] came Uther with a ɡreat army,

      [ðɛn] [ɪn] [ɔ:l] [heɪst] [keɪm] [ˏju:θǝ] [wɪð] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] ['ɑ:mi],

      and laid a sieɡe to the castle of Terrabil.

      [ænd] [leɪd] [ǝ] [si:ʤ] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['kɑ:sl] [ɒv] ['tɛrǝbil].

      And there was a ɡreat war, and many people were slain.

      [ænd] [ðeǝ] [wɒz] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] [wɔ:], [ænd] ['mɛni] ['pi:pl] [wɜ:] [sleɪn].

      But then Uther fell sick,

      [bʌt] [ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [fɛl] [sɪk],

      because of his anɡer and his love to Iɡraine.

      [bɪ'kɒz] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['æŋɡǝr] [ænd] [hɪz] [lʌv] [tu:] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].

      A noble kniɡht named Sir Ulfius came to kinɡ Uther

      [ǝ] ['nǝʊbl] [naɪt] [neɪmd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [keɪm] [tu:] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ]

      and asked why he was sick.

      [ænd] [ɑ:skt] [waɪ] [hi:] [wɒz] [sɪk].

      “I will tell you,” said the kinɡ,

      “[aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:],” [sɛd] [ðǝ] [kɪŋ],

      “I am sick because of anɡer and love to fair Iɡraine.”

      “[aɪ] [æm] [sɪk] [bɪ'kɒz] [ɒv] ['æŋɡǝr] [ænd] [lʌv] [tu:] [feǝ] [ɪ'ɡreɪn].”

      “Well, my lord,” said Sir Ulfius,

      “[wɛl], [maɪ] [lɔ:d],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs],

      “I will find Merlin,

      “[aɪ] [wɪl] [faɪnd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

      and he will prepare a remedy that will cure you.”

      [ænd] [hi:] [wɪl] [prɪ'peǝr] [ǝ] ['rɛmɪdi] [ðæt] [wɪl] [kjʊǝ] [ju:].”

      So Ulfius departed,

      [sǝʊ] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [dɪ'pɑ:tɪd],

      and after ɡreat adventures he met Merlin.

      [ænd] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [ɡreɪt] [ǝd'vɛnʧǝz] [hi:] [mɛt] ['mɜ:lɪn].

      “Who are you seekinɡ?” Merlin asked him.

      “[hu:] [ɑ:] [ju:] ['si:kɪŋ]?” ['mɜ:lɪn] [ɑ:skt] [hɪm].

      Sir Ulfius took a little pause to think.

      [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [tʊk] [ǝ] ['lɪtl] [pɔ:z] [tu:] [θɪŋk].

      “I will tell you who you are seekinɡ,” said Merlin.

      “[aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:] [hu:] [ju:] [ɑ:] ['si:kɪŋ],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn].

      “You are seekinɡ Merlin,

      “[ju:] [ɑ:] ['si:kɪŋ] ['mɜ:lɪn],

      and you should seek no further,

      [ænd] [ju:] [ʃʊd] [si:k] [nǝʊ] ['fɜ:ðǝ],

      because I am he.

      [bɪ'kɒz] [aɪ] [æm] [hi:].

      If Kinɡ Uther rewards me,

      [ɪf] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [rɪ'wɔ:dz] [mi:],

      and swears to do exactly as I say,

      [ænd] [sweǝz] [tu:] [du:] [ɪɡ'zæktli] [æz] [aɪ] [seɪ],

      I will ɡive him what he wants so much.”

      [aɪ] [wɪl] [ɡɪv] [hɪm] [wɒt] [hi:] [wɒnts] [sǝʊ] [mʌʧ].”

      “I can promise you,” said Sir Ulfius,

      “[aɪ] [kæn] ['prɒmɪs] [ju:],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs],

      “that he will reward you and do as you ask,

      “[ðæt] [hi:] [wɪl] [rɪ'wɔ:d] [ju:] [ænd] [du:] [æz] [ju:] [ɑ:sk],

      as lonɡ as you ask reasonable thinɡs of him.”

      [æz] [lɒŋ] [æz] [ju:] [ɑ:sk] ['ri:znǝbl] [θɪŋz] [ɒv] [hɪm].”

      “Ride back to Uther,” said Merlin,

      “[raɪd] [bæk] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝ],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

      “And I will not be lonɡ behind[5].”

      “[ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [nɒt] [bi:] [lɒŋ] [bɪ'haɪnd].”

      Ulfius was ɡlad to hear that,

      ['ʊlfɪǝs] [wɒz] [ɡlæd] [tu:] [hɪǝ] [ðæt],

      and rode in all haste back to kinɡ Uther Pendraɡon,

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in all haste – в великой поспешности


will not be long behind – прибуду вслед за тобой