Mediated Death. Johanna Sumiala

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Mediated Death - Johanna Sumiala

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events’ special structural features associated with time and space, and connects the idea of the event with that of ritual as a particular formula and a unique structure of mediated death event. Here, the focus is on a category of ritual – life-crisis ritual. The chapter establishes a conceptual framework for the further analysis of mediated rituals and explains anthropological ideas first developed by van Gennep (1960 [1909]) and later elaborated on by Victor Turner (1969) on the workings of life-crisis rituals as ‘rites of passage’ through three key phases – rupture, liminality, and incorporation – and connects them with the work of ritual media events, and in particular, funerals (Dayan & Katz, 1992). The next chapters in the book build on the idea of liminal mourning in various hybrid media contexts, and critically examine how liminality in mediated life-crisis rituals functions in the present-day landscape of hybrid media, and what kind of social consequences result from these actions.

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