Touch Me. Victory Storm

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Touch Me - Victory Storm

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sorry for the delay, but I've prepared a pistachio tiramisu for you” she said, handing me a tray.

       I opened it. Inside, I also found a small spoon.

       Having eaten only one sandwich all day, I was starving.

       I immediately plunged the spoon into the creamy, fragrant dessert.

       The consistency was extremely appetizing.

       Since I have a weakness for pistachios, I put a big spoonful in my mouth.

       I savored this dessert dedicated to pleasure and sensuality under the watchful eye of Felicity sitting on the bed next to me, ready to show me the notes she had taken.

       Damn, this dessert was delicious!

       Too good to be just a peace offering.

       I stared into her bright, glowing eyes, attentive to my mouth, waiting for...

      “ I'm not going to fuck you,” I broke it off immediately.

       Her cheeks turned bright red in an instant and her wide, shame-filled eyes met mine suspiciously.

       In a fit of nervousness, she leapt to her feet and dropped all the notes to the floor.

      “ But no! But I... What are you talking about? I don't want to... she stammered.

       I had to restrain myself not to burst out laughing.

       - You prepare me this incredible tiramisu. It is normal that I think that you made it so that I sleep with you, isn't it?

       -Well, you're wrong. I don't cook to do... that thing, she stammered, even more embarrassed than before.

       - God, I knew you were stupid, but not that stupid! I giggled, feeling sorry for her. How could anyone have such a weapon at their disposal and not use it to bend men to their will?”

       She remained silent and stared at me.

       I could read the hesitation on her face between taking this sentence as a compliment or an offense.

      “ There's laundry to do, I said sternly, brushing away that crumb of hope that she might like me enough to say something nice. And tomorrow I expect something nutty.”

       Like a brave little slave, she took the basket of dirty laundry and headed for the laundry room, leaving me alone with this heavenly tiramisu.





       He liked my tiramisu!

      “ There's laundry to do, I said sternly, brushing away that crumb of hope that she might like me enough to say something nice. And tomorrow I expect something nutty.”

       The emotion that this thought unleashed almost made me tremble. The idea of cooking for someone and seeing them eat with pleasure was priceless.

       And Ryo had almost purred like a cat when he tasted my pistachio tiramisu.

       And not only that! He even asked me to cook something else for him!

       I was in seventh heaven, although my cheeks were still burning at the memory of what he had told me about wanting to sleep with him.

       I was too smart and rational to imagine sleeping with a boy I would never have and who would never want me.

       I wasn't that stupid.

       Ryo had this dark, tormented, mysterious, dangerously sensual beauty that made it impossible not to notice him, but he also gave off a neon-like light that proclaimed “Untouchable.” He had closed his heart, if he ever had one, to all feeling. And falling in love with him meant getting seriously burned and losing part of his own heart.

       I thought for a long time while his clothes spun in the window of the washing machine.

       It was the first time I had ever touched a man's underwear. It was embarrassing, but I eventually closed my eyes and stuffed everything into the machine.

       When the washing and drying was done, I took the clothes out.

       "Oh my God!" I shouted as I picked up Ryo's socks. I was sure they were white, but they were now red.

       I took out the rest.

       Luckily, the sweaters and jeans were all dark and had escaped, but the white T-shirts, boxers and socks had turned red.

       I sorted through the clothes and finally found a huge bright red bra. It was the one that had rubbed off.

       How could I not have seen it when I loaded the machine?

       I had closed my eyes.

      “ Well, it's not my fault he leaves the underwear of the girls he sleeps with in the middle of the dirty laundry!”

       I folded everything with a sigh and took it back to the bedroom, where I also found Logan.

      “ I washed it all, but the bra rubbed off and stained the rest,” I said hastily, trying not to be in awe of Logan's beauty.

       - What the fuck are you talking about? said Ryo, bending over the basket and seeing his red socks. What the hell did you do?”

       - It's not my fault, I justified myself under his murderous gaze while Logan burst out laughing.

       - You got caught, buddy! Felicity, you should know that Ryo has a second identity that only frequents drag queens, Logan told me, and Ryo punched him in the face.

       - This bra is not mine!

       - It's probably your girlfriend's, I said, knowing that Ryo was single. He was having fun and that was that.

       - And what a girlfriend! With tits like that, you can only fuck her if she's not on top of you or you'll choke to death, laughed Logan even louder as he took the bra which was so big that even my already large breasts would have floated inside.

       - What the hell are you talking about! I don't fuck with women with big tits! Ryo explained angrily. This is your fault! You're a walking disaster, you're just able to ruin my life! But this time I didn't listen.

       - I'm sorry, but that was your business. It's not my fault,” I said quickly before walking away.

       I was heading towards my room when a girl with a more than generous chest and probably the fruit of the scalpel of a plastic surgeon stopped me.

      “ Excuse me, I just saw you coming back from the laundry room. You did not find a red bra somewhere? she asked me by making a moue of duck.

       - No,” I lied before locking myself in my room. If Ryo found out that bra was already in the washing machine, he would kill me.

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