Biogeography. Группа авторов

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Biogeography - Группа авторов

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variety. This basic form of communication is helpful to avoid danger or useful to discriminate an edible berry from the one which is toxic. Communication is an essential part of scientific practice as well as its goal. The first question any taxonomists would ask is “What is this?” followed by “What are its characteristics?” and then “What is it most like?” The same is true when we deal with the distributions of animals and plants. Kangaroos do not come from “over there”. They have a particular place in the world, which is determined through a hierarchical classification:


      Southern Hemisphere





      While this is a basic classifications, it works in communicating information and meaning. In order for the classification to work, biogeographers need to be able to communicate plant and animal distributions clearly, either as a list, table or map. A distribution map simply lists where certain organisms occur. Zimmermann (1777) published the first modern distribution map (Figure 1.1) in which the global distributions of terrestrial quadrupeds are named in the areas where they occur. Note that the hierarchy is purely geographical:

      Old World




      New World

      North America

      South America


      Zimmermann’s map was accompanied by a 600-odd page treatise that described the distributions in four chapters:

      Chapter I: Animals dispersed throughout the world and their degeneration

      Chapter II: Introduction

      Part One. Quadrupeds of both the Old and New World

      Part the Latter: Quadrupeds of the Old World

      Chapter IV. In which the animals are generally treated by the dispersion across the surface, whose consequences are added in the history of the planet (Zimmermann 1777, p. xxiv)

      Figure 1.1. Zimmermann’s Tabula mundi geographico zoologica sistems quadrupedes hucusque notos sedibus suis adscriptos, second edition of 1783. Source: National Library of Australia. For a color version of this figure, see

      Although Zimmermann’s zoogeographical classification is basic, it does serve a purpose – to explain distribution and dispersal of quadrupeds. Compare the first of these zoogeographical classifications with a more recent bioregionalization by Morrone (2015, Figure 1.2):

      Holarctic kingdom

      Nearctic region

      Palearctic region

      Neotropical region

      Ethiopian region

      Oriental region

      Austral kingdom

      Cape region

      Andean region

      Australian region

      Antarctic region

      Figure 1.2. The biogeographic regions of Morrone (2015). Areas in yellow are part of the Holarctic kingdom: 1. Nearctic region; 2. Palearctic region. Areas in red are part of the Holotropical kingdom: 3. Neotropical region, 4. Ethiopian region, 5. Oriental region. Areas in blue are part of the Austral kingdom: 6. Andean region 7. Cape region, 8. Australian region, 9. Antarctic region. Areas in orange and purple are transition zones: 10. Mexican, 11. Saharo-Arabian, 12. Chinese, 13. Andean, 14. Indo-Malayan (Wallacea) (Escalante and Morrone 2020, p. 12, Figure 1.2) For a color version of this figure, see

      One of the many benefits of doing plant and animal geographies, both in the 18th and 21st centuries, is that plant and animal distributions are available in the form of a database. Zimmermann had access to the many travelogues of explorers of his day such as James Cook, Louis Lahontan and Jan Struys, whereas Morrone had access to recent biogeographical classification (i.e. regionalizations) that had used publicly available digital distribution databases such as GBIF. Practically, these two approaches are the same. They are time and cost-effective (neither had to go into the field and collect and describe new species) and they are quick to access (both had access to libraries of one sort or another). Many plant and animal area classifications during the 18th and 19th were collated via the literature (e.g. Stromeyer 1800; Pritchard 1826). But what if you had the funds to go to an area that was poorly understood and under-collected? What if you had the funds to collect plant specimens and other data? How would you classify the natural history of an area? Alexander von Humboldt faced this problem during his journey to New Granada in present-day Colombia during the late 18th century and solved it in a most ingenious way.

      1.2.3. Botanical geography versus the geography of plants

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