Smart Solar PV Inverters with Advanced Grid Support Functionalities. Rajiv K. Varma

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Smart Solar PV Inverters with Advanced Grid Support Functionalities - Rajiv K. Varma

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this book and for providing all the support throughout the publication process. I also wish to sincerely thank Victoria Bradshaw for developing the book cover, Teresa Netzler for supervising the book’s production, and Viniprammia Premkumar for preparing the final version of the book in such an excellent manner for printing.

      Finally, I owe this book to my wife Malini and children Sarvesh and Ratna without whose immense sacrifices, immeasurable patience, and limitless support this book would have never happened.

       Rajiv K. Varma


      Solar Photovoltaic (PV) power systems are being integrated at an unprecedented rate in both bulk power systems and distribution systems worldwide. It is expected that by 2050, solar PV systems will provide about 35% of global electricity generation [1]. Different countries, and their provinces and states, are setting up ambitious targets for PV system installations up to 100% renewables with substantial share of solar PV systems. Several grid impact studies with 100% Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) with a major component of solar PV systems have already been performed [2, 3]. While these systems significantly help in reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions, they present unique integration challenges which need to be understood and mitigated to derive full benefits from their applications. The solar PV systems are based on inverters. Power electronics technology provides new “smart” capabilities to the inverters in addition to their primary function of active power generation. These capabilities not only help solar PV systems mitigate different adverse impacts of their integration but also provide several valuable grid support functions.

      This chapter presents the concepts of reactive power and active power control, which form the basis of smart inverter operation. The impact of such controls on system voltage and frequency is explained. The different challenges of integrating solar PV systems on a large scale in transmission and distribution systems are briefly described [4]. The evolution of smart inverter technology is then presented.

      1.1.1 Reactive Power Control Voltage Control

      In the absence of inductor XL, the PCC voltage is E. The lagging inductor current causes a voltage drop IR + jIX across the network impedance, thereby reducing the PCC voltage to V. Stated alternately, the reactive power absorption by the inductor reduces PCC voltage by an amount |E| − |V |.

      For case (a) R = 0, it is evident from Figure 1.2a that the change in voltage is directly proportional to network reactance and the

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