Superatoms. Группа авторов
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Knight et al. described the electronic shell structure of Na clusters using the jellium model where the clusters were assumed to have spherical symmetry with the charges of the positive ion core distributed uniformly inside the sphere (see Figure 1.2) [140]. They assumed that valence electrons in Na clusters would behave like free electrons, similar to the conduction electrons in a Na metal. In the jellium model of a cluster, the charge density n +(r) of the positive ions is given by,
Figure 1.1 Sodium cluster abundance spectrum, (a) experimental data of Knight et al. (b) Second derivative of the total energy, dashed line using Woods‐Saxon potential; solid line using the ellipsoidal shell (Clemenger‐Nilsson model).
Source: Adapted with permission from Ref. [130]. Copyright 1993 American Physical Society.
Figure 1.2 Schematic diagram of an atom and atomic orbitals (left panel) where the positively charged nucleus is localized at a point, and jellium model of a cluster where the positive charge is smeared over a sphere of finite radius with corresponding electronic orbitals (right panel).
Source: Adapted with permission from Ref. [140]. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
where n 0 is the density of the positive charge and R is the radius of the sphere. Θ(r − R) = 1 for r ≤ R and Θ(r − R) = 0 for r > R. The electrons responding to this charge distribution occupy orbitals similar to those in the atoms. The major difference is that in this case the orbitals of clusters are characterized as 1S 1P 1D 2S 1F 2P . . . . shells. Because the number of free electrons in a Na cluster is equal to the number of Na atoms, the magic numbers observed in Na clusters, namely 2, 8, 20, 40, . . . correspond to electronic shell closure of 1S2, 1S2 1P6, 1S2 1P6 1D10 2S2, 1S2 1P6 1D10 2S2 1F14 2P6, . . . . orbitals, respectively. The validity of the jellium model has since been established in simple as well as noble metals. Of particular note is the Al13 − cluster, which contains 40 electrons. Will Castleman and coworkers noted that Al13 − with a conspicuous peak in the mass spectra is indeed a very stable cluster [141] and is much less reactive toward oxygen than the neighboring clusters (Figure 1.3). In addition, Al13, having an icosahedral geometry, also represents an atomically shell closed structure. The extraordinary stability of Al13 −, therefore, derives from both electronically and atomically closed shell system.
The above findings led Khanna and Jena to propose that neutral Al13 cluster, with 39 electrons should behave the same way as a halogen atom, as both need one extra electron to close their electronic shells, the former being consistent with the jellium rule and the latter being consistent with the octet rule [137]. Indeed, calculations and experiments showed that the electron affinity of Al13, namely 3.57 eV, is identical to that of Cl [142, 143]. That Al13 mimics the chemistry of halogens that was later shown theoretically [144] by studying its interaction with K. KAl13 was shown to be an ionically bonded cluster just like KCl. Experimental confirmation that KAl13 is indeed ionically bonded validates the superatom concept [145].
For the sake of history, it should be mentioned that properties of clusters have been linked to atoms as early as 1981 when Gutsev and Boldyrev [146] showed that the electron affinity of a cluster with composition MX k + 1, where M is a metal atom with valence k and X is a halogen atom, can exceed that of a halogen atom. Note that MX k + 1 cluster, just like a halogen atom, would need an extra electron to close its electronic shell. Because the size of MX k + 1 cluster is larger than that of a halogen atom, the Coulomb repulsion experienced by the extra electron decreases as the size increases. Hence, the electron affinity of MX k + 1 is larger than that of X. The authors coined the word “superhalogen” to describe these clusters. In a subsequent publication, Gutsev and Boldyrev also showed that the ionization potential of a cluster with composition M k + 1X is less than that of the alkali atom, M where k is the valence of atom X, and coined the word “superalkali” to describe these clusters. Thus, superhalogens and superalkalis that mimic the chemistry of alkali and halogen atoms in the periodic table, respectively, can be regarded as the first demonstration of what is now commonly termed as “superatoms.” Figure 1.4 shows an example of a three‐dimensional periodic table where superhalogens and superalkalis constitute the third dimension representing Group 1 and Group 17 elements [147].
Figure 1.3 Series of mass spectra showing progression of the etching reaction of Al anions with oxygen in 0.0 SCCM (a), 7.5 SCCM (b), and 10.0 SCCM s(c).
Source: Leuchtner, et al. [141]. © AIP Publishing.
A few years later, Saito and Ohnishi [148] noted that Na8 satisfying electronic shell closure (1S2 1P6) according to the jellium model should be chemically inert like the noble gas atoms, which have their outermost s and p shells closed. Similarly, Na19 lacks an electron to achieve electronic shell closure and should behave like a halogen atom. The authors termed these as “giant atoms.” However, atomic clusters neither have spherical geometries nor do their electrons behave as if they are free electrons. On the contrary, the electrons are confined within the cluster. A later calculation that took explicit account of the cluster geometry showed that Na8 retains its geometry up to 600 K on a NaCl substrate, but it spontaneously collapses forming an epitaxial layer on a Na (110) surface [149]. When two Na8 clusters interact, instead of remaining as individual clusters, they coalesce and form a Na16 cluster. Similarly, no evidence exists to demonstrate that Na19 can form a salt‐like molecule, analogous to KAl13, while interacting with an alkali atom.