Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems. Группа авторов

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Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems - Группа авторов

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chapter gives a general introduction to the key topics of the book authored by the editors (U. Mohan Rao and I. Fofana) and co‐authored by Dr. Rodriguez Mariela, Institut de recherche d'Hydro‐Québec, Canada. This chapter covers the fundamentals of the transformer oil–paper insulation and introduction to various insulating liquids. The second chapter contribution from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, and Xi’an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi, China, provides the details on the development and evaluation of natural ester liquids. Given the fact that the insulating liquids should have a high degree of compatibility with solid insulating liquids, the third chapter originating from the University of Cantabria, Spain, and BEST Transformer, Turkey, addresses the compatibility of the ester liquids with cellulose insulating materials. Authors affirm that the esters are not only compatible with cellulosic materials, but they also protect the cellulose, reducing its aging rate in comparison with traditional oil. The fourth chapter, authored by researchers from the high voltage laboratory at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, and HVDM Research Group at Khalifa University, UAE, presents the details on the degradation and characterization of ester liquids.

      The fifth chapter is authored by researchers from the Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure from the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, which emphasizes the monitoring of the decay products of the new insulating liquids. The authors have demonstrated the monitoring of soluble and colloidal particles in ester liquids and spanned the discussion to the feasibility of using fuller’s earth for regeneration of ester liquids. The sixth chapter arises out of a research collaboration between Lodz University of Technology, Poland, the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, and the Institut de recherche d'Hydro‐Québec, Canada. This chapter is an extended and updated version of the International study group article published in the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation in Volume: 27, Issue: 5, October 2020, with a primary focus on the pre‐breakdown phenomenon of the ester liquids.

      The tenth chapter, authored by researchers from the Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure from the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada, details the gassing behavior of ester liquids under corona discharging, arcing, and hotspot conditions. Dissolved gas analysis and diagnostic characterizations have been reported in the sections of this chapter. The eleventh chapter is a contribution from ETEL Transformers, New Zealand, and Essential Energy, Australia, on the in‐service experience of natural ester‐filled transformers. An overview of different parameters and fluid measurements is presented to benefit transformer owners and utility engineers.

       U. Mohan Rao1, I. Fofana1, and E. Rodriguez Celis2

       1 Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, QC, Canada

       2 Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Québec, Varennes, QC, Canada

      Increasing requirements of electricity at an alarmingly rapid rate due to population and industrial growth have caused severe energy crises throughout the world. The shortage of fossil fuels (such as coal, crude oil, and natural gas) amplifies these crises, by progressively diminishing the availability of conventional methods of power generation [1–9]. In addition, emission of harmful greenhouse gases (by‐products of fossil fuels) discourages further consideration of conventional power generation as a long‐term future solution for increasing electricity demands [8–17]. The growing concern over issues related to energy security and global warming has resulted in the evolution of renewable energy resources (solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal power generation) as potential alternatives because of their environmental and economic benefits [12–15]. Distributed generation (DG) and high‐voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems are promising solution for renewable power production and usage. The integration of DG and HVDC to the existing grid involves a significant difference in the voltage magnitudes. Power and distribution transformers handle these voltage magnitudes and ensure a reliable operation of the power grid [16, 17]. It is to be mentioned that, a few millions of transformers are connected across the global electric power network. In addition, transformers contribute the major segment of the economy involved in generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Therefore, transformer technology is always a high engineering importance to the researchers and utilities.

      In a typical liquid‐filled transformer, windings are wound on an iron core and the whole assembly is immersed in the insulating oil. Based on the assembly of the core and windings, transformers are classified into Core‐ and Shell‐type transformers. In core‐type transformers, windings surround a considerable part of the core whereas in shell‐type transformers, core surrounds a considerable portion of the windings [18]. Transformers are also classified on the basis of their purpose of the application as a step‐up transformer to increase the voltage level at secondary terminals and step‐down transformer to decrease the voltage level at secondary terminals [19]. Insulating papers and pressboards are used for insulating windings within the core assembly. In oil‐filled transformers, insulating oil is allowed to circulate for dissipating heat through the cooling tubes mounted on the body of a transformer tank.

      Insulation technology in transformers plays a critical role in judging the performance of the transformer. In oil‐filled transformers, insulation oil along with insulation paper is used as an insulating medium. Insulation

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