The Time of Revolt. Donatella Di Cesare

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The Time of Revolt - Donatella Di Cesare

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and exchange which could keep going even without hierarchies, bosses and owners. This movement’s vision of the future held that the relations mediated by the abstraction of money and the commodity would eventually be overcome, as the relations between producers were redeemed and finally made human. Such a vision underpinned and fed the development of the various currents of trade unionism, socialism and anarchism. Hence the conception and the modality of a struggle understood as the final seizure of power by the collective worker.

      Something similar can be said of the school and university occupations that punctuated the various phases of the student movement, in its different forms, from the 1960s onwards, peaking in the 1970s. These occupations were also coloured by a deep-seated, robust conviction that the world to come was already within reach – only a night of waiting away.

      Community can no longer be presupposed, only aspired to and sought out with great difficulty. Now that workplaces have been cast out of the topography of visibility, community has to be staged elsewhere; it has to be represented at some distance from the great palaces earmarked as the sites of representation. This also helps to explain the role of the assembly, where the other people – that is, the unrepresented people – must find their place. The new assemblies are attempts at community. Yet the aspiration that guides them seems to go no further than the gratification of being together.

      With party slogans no longer able to appeal to the masses, the square is the theatre of invention – comics and actors are thus often present. Here, new gestures are devised, unprecedented and spectacular actions are experimented with, creative slogans are launched, and irreverent wordplay appears on placards and banners. But when the final notes of the collective chant of resistance die out, from one square to another the only apparent echo is the sharp ‘no’ of a global refusal of the global world.

      An assertion of democracy and a practical show of solidarity, the squares movement risks dissipating amidst myriad particular struggles – or even being reintegrated by the agenda of official politics. It does not exert lasting influence, does not go beyond dissent, does not seem to leave a mark on the partition of the city which – as was apparent already in Plato’s studies – turns out to be justice itself. When workers went on strike, this did not involve only an occupation of the factories but also a subversion and redistribution of spaces. But, while the squares movement tries to react against the dispersion brought by capitalism, it does not manage to reconfigure the public space.

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