High-Density and De-Densified Smart Campus Communications. Daniel Minoli
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The rest of the text will discuss many (but not all) of the constituent technologies that support the realization of such WiSNETs.
TABLE 1.10 HDC KPIs for Airports
Key Performance Indicators | Key Performance Indicators | Pre‐pandemic Requirements | Post‐pandemic Requirements |
Data/VoIP connection density, for people on smartphones, laptops, tablets | Data/VoIP connection density, for people on smartphones, laptops, tablets | 1 per 20 ft2 in terminals | 1 per 80 ft2 in terminals |
User experienced data rate | 10–50 Mbps | Same | |
Peak data rate | 100 Mbps | Same | |
Traffic volume density | 5 Gbps per gate area (200 people per gate) | 1.25 Gbps per gate area (50 people per gate) | |
End‐to‐end latency | 100 ms | Same | |
Wayfinding | Throughout airport and in adjacent spaces | Same | |
Area of coverage | Entire airport and in adjacent spaces, garages, car rental locations | Same | |
Traditional telephony on DAS systems | Dialtone | 50 Erlangs per gate area (200 people per gate) | 12 Erlangs per gate area (50 people per gate) |
Call length | 10 minutes per call | Same | |
Connection density, IoT devices | Connection density, IoT devices | 1 per 10 ft2 throughout airport | Same |
User experienced data rate | 0.384 Mbps | Same | |
Peak data rate | 0.768 Mbps | Same | |
Traffic volume density | 100 Mbps per 1000 ft2 throughout airport and in adjacent spaces, garages, car rental locations | Same | |
End‐to‐end latency | 1–10 ms | Same | |
Area of coverage | Entire airport and in adjacent spaces | Same |
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