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The wrong-way drivers in Brussels tried by any means possible to put into action the goals they were given. As a side effect they managed to completely do away with democracy. The larger goal that is behind the European Union is the complete dissolution of national states. One of the architects of this idea was the Frenchman Jean Monnet (1888-1979), founding father of the process and founder of the “Action Committee of the United States of Europe”. Back in those days he already maintained repeatedly that “Europe’s nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”[38]
His spiritual heirs continue to pursue this vision.
We have already established that there are very different interest groups behind the EU bureaucrats. Also in the case of the Euro we keep bumping into the legendary Bilderberger Group.
In an interview with the internet newspaper EU Observer, the honorary president of the Bilderberger Conference and former EU Commissioner Etienne Davignon explained that the powerful Bilderberg Group has helped to create the Euro: “As we had debates over the Euro, people at Bilderberg Conferences were able to explain why it was worth taking risks…[39]
Basically, the Euro was merely the Trojan horse for accomplishing the real goals. At the end of January 2012 the minions of high finance, the heads of state, proclaimed where the journey will lead. A council of governors elected by nobody, consisting of finance ministers of the Euro Zone and a directorate elected by nobody, decide over the distribution of hundreds of billions of Euro in tax money. This should above all benefit the banks.
The head of the European Central Bank (ECB) and former Vice President of Goldman Sachs, Mario Draghi, substantiated these plans in a third-party article in the German newspaper DIE ZEIT (August 29th, 2012), in which he voiced his support for an end to the sovereignty of the parliaments of Europe.[40] This would then be tied to the old democratic order and comes close to a dictatorship in Europe.
According to Professor Dr. Wilhelm Hankel there are two sure-fire ways of destroying with the middle-class of any society:
1. Freeing the banks from all oversight, creating lawless areas and providing the banks with a permit to create money out of nothing via the means of loans.
2. A monetary union, as in the case of the Euro.
This way, so Hankel, is by far the most effective. Since the Monnet’s vision has become a reality by now, the Euro can be viewed as a total success for its initiators since politics is always based on deceit and also consists of the art of hindering people from being in control of the things that affect them.
„ It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.“
Henry Ford (1863 – 1947)
We have been living with the Euro since January 1st of 2002, but only very few have ever thought about the true meaning of those letters and numbers on the bills.
On the example of Greece it is plain to see that the end of the Euro experiment is nearing its end, even if it was suggested that the Euro could survive by a series of emergency measures.
In the meantime many corporations are preparing for the case that Greece may leave the monetary union. In December 2011 the German travel giant TUI asked Greek hotel operators to sign new contracts. The following passage was cited in the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung: „If the Euro should no longer be the currency (…) TUI reserves the right to pay the sum in a different currency. The exchange rate depends on what the government will provide.”[41]
As mentioned before, only very few people think about whether all the Euro bills are the same. Each Euro bill is allocated to a different country, and the deciding characteristic is the serial number that is located on the top right of the backside of the bill. This so-called “country code” lets the insider know which central bank has ordered the printing of the respective bill.[42] The letter X, for example, is for Germany, Y for Greece, M for Portugal, V for Spain and S for Italy.
Professor Dr. Max Otte wisely recommended back in 2009 that bills with serial numbers starting with Y, V, M, and S should be brought back into circulation as quickly as possible, according to the Financial Times.[43] [44]
Should Greece leave the community of Euro countries, what would happen to the bills of the Greeks (Y) that are in the hands of private individuals? There is a plan by the member of the scientific committee of the Ministry of Commerce, Charles Blankert, who also happens to be economics professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In a study (according to German tabloid Bild Zeitung)[45] he suggests that all bills with a Y before their serial number should be valid as the new Greek currency immediately upon Greece’s exit from the currency union and would therefore lose their value with immediate effect. Owners of bills of Greek origin within the remaining Euro zone would therefore be immediately affected, according to this study.
Regardless of the Y-bills, a much larger issue arises for the inhabitants of those Euro countries in that those who have gotten themselves into financial problems, as was the case with Greece and Spain, could have their cash withdrawn from their banks in large numbers.
The problem here is that there are substantially more entitlements to money among our banks than there is actual physical money.
In other words, there currently are about 900 billion Euros of bills and coins in circulation. With a German cash wealth of about 5 trillion, this means that there would only be about 2,000 Euros in cash at the disposal of every German citizen. Due to a range of assurances and supposed guarantees by politicians like Chancellor Merkel or Peer Steinbrück, etc. who live according to the motto: “It does not matter what was accomplished, but what is told to the public”, many citizens believe that they could at any time withdraw their savings from the banks.
That is not so since in reality we have a fiat money system (money created out of nothing), and that as a result of that, savings in our accounts do not physically exist. When it comes down to it, they are nothing more than a nice little piece of paper – an account balance – on which some numbers are printed.
Since we in Germany have already been in this position before, it is about time to learn from history and not believe in the statements of our politicians. Ultimately, most politicians are nothing but puppets with much greater powers behind them pulling their strings.
"A constitution usually protects citizens from politicians. It sets limits to what the elected may decide on between elections. The EU Constitution and the Lisbon treaty are different. It protects politicians from the influence of voters."
Jens-Peter Bonde, *1948[46]
We Europeans have a government that hardly anyone knows, that most do not want and that are intangible to them; in other words, that are even more unintelligible to the voters than our party representatives are already. From a legal perspective, the EU is a hybrid, a legal monster that is very hard to grasp because it is neither a federation of states nor a federal state. For example, the EU has, in contrast to NATO, no treaty that is valid for any amount of time. Out of the Amsterdam treaty came the Maastricht treaty, then the Nice treaty came along out