A Rite of Swords. Morgan Rice

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A Rite of Swords - Morgan Rice

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to jump.

      Mycoples roared and Gwen looked up and spotted Thor for the first time. Their eyes locked, even from this great distance, and he watched the shock flood her face.

      Mycoples landed on the roof and the moment she did, Thor jumped off, barely waiting for her to set down, and ran to Gwendolyn.

      Gwen turned and stared at him, eyes open in complete surprise. She looked as if she were staring at a ghost.

      Thor ran for her, his heart pounding, flooded with excitement, and reached out his arms. They embraced and held each other tightly as Thor picked her up and squeezed her. He spun her around again and again.

      Thor heard her crying in his ear, felt her hot tears pouring down his neck, and he could hardly believe he was really here, holding her, here in the flesh. This was real. This was the dream he had seen in his mind’s eye, day after day, night after night, when he had been deep in the Empire, when he had been sure he would never return, would never set eyes on Gwendolyn again. And here he was now, holding her in his arms.

      Having been away from her for so long, everything about her felt new. It felt perfect. And he vowed he would never take another moment with her for granted again.

      “Gwendolyn,” he whispered in her ear.

      “Thorgrin,” she whispered back.

      They held each other for he did not know how long, then slowly they pulled back and kissed. It was a passionate kiss, and neither of them backed away.

      “You’re alive,” she said. “You’re here. I can’t believe you’re here.”

      Mycoples snorted and Gwendolyn looked up over Thor’s shoulder, as Mycoples flapped her wings once. Gwen’s face flushed with fear.

      “Do not be afraid,” Thor said. “Her name is Mycoples. She is my friend. And she will be your friend, too. Let me show you.”

      Thor took Gwen’s hand and led her slowly across the parapet. He could feel Gwen’s fear as they approached. He understood. After all, this was a real, live dragon, and this was closer than Gwen had ever been to one in her life.

      Mycoples stared back at Gwen with her huge, red glowing eyes, snorting gently, flapping her wings and arching back her neck. Thor sensed something like jealousy. And perhaps, curiosity.

      “Mycoples, meet Gwendolyn.”

      Mycoples turned her head away, proudly.

      Then suddenly she turned back and as she did, she stared right into Gwendolyn’s eyes, as if seeing right through her. She leaned in, so close that her face was nearly touching Gwendolyn’s.

      Gwen gasped in surprise and awe – and perhaps fear. She reached up, her hand trembling, and lay it gently on Mycoples’ long nose, touching her purple scales.

      After several tense seconds, Mycoples finally blinked and lowered her nose and rubbed it against Gwen’s stomach in a sign of affection. Mycoples kept rubbing her nose against Gwen’s stomach, as if she were fixated on it, and Thor could not understand why.

      Then, just as quickly, Mycoples turned her head away and looked off into the horizon.

      “She’s beautiful,” Gwen whispered.

      She turned and looked at Thor.

      “I gave up hope that you would return,” she said. “I did not think you would.”

      “Nor did I,” Thor said. “Thinking of you is what sustained me. It gave me reason to survive. To return.”

      They embraced again, holding each other tightly as the breeze caressed them, then finally, they pulled back.

      Gwendolyn looked down and noticed the Destiny Sword on Thor’s hip and her eyes widened. She gasped.

      “You brought back the Sword,” she said. She looked up at him in disbelief. “You are the one to wield it.”

      Thor nodded back.

      “But how…” she began, then trailed off. Clearly, she was overwhelmed.

      “I do not know,” Thor said. “I was just able to.”

      Her eyes opened with hope as she realized something else.

      “Then the Shield is up again,” she said hopefully.

      Thor nodded back solemnly.

      “Andronicus is trapped,” he said. “We have already liberated King’s Court and Silesia.”

      Gwendolyn’s face rose in relief and joy.

      “It was you,” she said, realizing. “You freed our cities.”

      Thor shrugged modestly.

      “It was Mycoples, mostly. And the Sword. I just went along for the ride.”

      Gwen beamed.

      “And our people? Are they safe? Did any survive?”

      Thor nodded.

      “They are mostly alive and well.”

      She beamed, looking younger again.

      “Kendrick awaits you in Silesia,” Thor said, “as do Godfrey, Reece, Srog, and many, many others. They are all alive and well, and the city is free.”

      Gwendolyn rushed forward and hugged Thor, holding him tight. He could feel the relief flooding through her.

      “I thought it was all gone,” she said, crying softly, “lost forever.”

      Thor shook his head.

      “The Ring has survived,” he said. “Andronicus is on the run. We will return, and we will wipe him out for good. And then we will rebuild.”

      Gwendolyn suddenly turned her back to him and looked away, staring out at the sky, wiping away a tear. She wrapped her cloak tight around her shoulders, and her face filled with apprehension.

      “I don’t know if I can return,” she said, hesitantly. “Something happened to me. While you were away.”

      Thor turned and faced her, holding her shoulders.

      “I know what happened to you,” he said. “Your mother told me. There is nothing to be ashamed of,” he said.

      Gwendolyn looking at him, her eyes filling with surprise and wonder.

      “You know?” she asked, shocked.

      Thor nodded.

      “It means nothing,” he said. “I love you as much as ever. Even more. Our love – that is what matters. That is what is unbreakable. I shall avenge you. I shall kill Andronicus myself. And our love, it will never die.”

      Gwen rushed forward and hugged Thor tight, her tears pouring down his neck. He could feel how relieved she was.

      “I love you,” Gwen said in his ear.

      “I love you, too,”

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