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as the Mentor of Anti-Marxian Socialism. Concepts of Socialism by S.N. Trubetskoj, S.N. Bulgakov and N.A. Berdiaev, 461, in: Vladimir Solov′oyv (Solov’ëv). Reconciler and Polemicist, E. v. d. Zweerde et al. (eds.), Louvain: Peters 2000, 461–473.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Evrejstvo ikhristianskij vopros, 1884, in: op. cit., t. 4, 147–150.


      Cf. ibid, 160ff. Cf. Stremooukhoff, D., Vladimir Soloviev (Solov’ëv) et son oeuvre mes-sianique, Reprint, Lausanne 1975, 298. He reports that Solov’ëv devoted his last prayer, before dying on July 31st 1900 (old Russian calendar) to the Jews, for his hope on their self-communion was related to believing on a drawing near of theocracy only in this particular case.


      Cf. Sutton, J., The Religious Philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov (Solov’ëv). Towards a Reassessment, Hampshire 1988, 72.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Opravdaniia dobra. Nravstvennaia filosofiia, 1894–1897, in: op. cit., t. 8 vt. izd, 211.


      Cf. ibid, 369–385.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, La Sophia, 68


      Clowes, E., The Limits of Discourse: Solov′ev′s Language of Szyzygy and the Project of Thinking Total Unity, in: Slavic Review 55 (1996), 3, 554.


      Cf. Kochetkova, Theory, 121f.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Smysl′ liubvi, in: op. cit.,16ff.


      Cf. ibid., 24, and 41–43. Cf. also, Zhiznennaia drama: op. cit., 235.


      Cf. ibid., 47, and 41–43.


      Cf. idem, Zhiznennaia drama: op. cit., 327–332.


      Cf. idem, Smysl′ liubvi, 23f.


      Cf. ibid, 43–45, and cf. footnote 24 in this chapter


      Cf. ibid, 59.


      Cf. ibid, 57f.


      Cf. Clowes, op. cit., 560.


      Cf. de Courten, op. cit., 60.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Dukhovnye osnovy zhizni, 1882–1884, in: op. cit, t. 3, 376. "Truth" must manifest itself in all realities including the corporal. "(D)ivine principles" (bozhestven-nye nachala) must make part of nature, otherwise "free theosophy" is unthinkable.


      Cf. ibid, 46f. See in this context esp. Stremooukhoff, op. cit., 274f. He suggests this idea was inspired by a number of sources: 1.) Reading of Gen. I, 27 by Church Fathers like St. Johannes Chrystosomos. 2.) Caballah-teaching on man as to be androgynous. 3.) Jakob Boehme and his theosophy on the restoration the Jungfrau (virgin) in God by human activity


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Smysl′liubvi, in. op. cit., 29ff.


      Cf. idem, Zhinennaia drama Platona, 1898, in: op. cit., t. 9, 326f.


      Cf. idem, Opravdaniia dobra. Nravstvennaia filosofiia, 1894–1897, in: ibid. t. 8 vt. Izd., 79.


      Cf. Zweerde, Evert v. d, Liefde maaktziend. Vladimir Solovjovs (Solov′ev′s] metafysica van de liefde, in: Tydschrit voor Slavische Literatuur n. 46, 2007, 38f.


      Cf. Solov’ëv, Opravdanie, in: op. cit., 53–84.


      Cf. ibid, 66-118.


      Cf. idem, Liubov′, in: op. cit., t. 11, 236.


      Cf. Kostalevsky, М., Dostoevsky (Dostoevski]) and Soloviev (Solov′ev). The Art of Integral Vision, New Heaven and London 1997, 113.


      Cf. idem, Filosofskie nachala tsel′nogo zaniia, 1877, in: op. cit., t.11, 257–259.


      Cf. idem, Rossiia, in: op. cit., 327–344.


      Cf. idem, Smysl′liubvi, in: op. cit. 57, first footnote on this page. Solov′ev distances himself from the Gnostic usage of this terminology and uses syzigia in the narrow Greek meaning. Cf. Kolerov, М., Smysl′liubvi v filosofii Vladimira Solo′eva ignosticheskie parallel in: Voprosy filosofii 1995 n. 7, 59–78, for an account on Solov′ev′s preoccupation with Gnosticism between 1891 and 1893.


      Stremooukhoff, op. cit., 266. He proposes to regard the three short writings Smysl′ liubvi, Krasota v prirode, and Obshchijsmysl′isskustva as an extra unit of discourses.


      Cf. idem, Krasota v prirode, 1889, in: op. cit., t. 6, vt. izd., 35–49.

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