Loved. Morgan Rice
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“What happened to you?” Luisa asked, speaking in an excited rush, as she always did, her slight Hispanic accent coming through, as she had only moved here from Puerto Rico a few years before. “I’m so confused! I thought you moved!? I texted and IM-ed you, but you never responded —”
“I’m so sorry,” Caitlin said. “I lost my phone, and I haven’t been near any computers, and—”
Luisa wasn’t listening. She had just noticed Caleb, and she was staring, mesmerized. Her mouth literally dropped open.
“Who’s your friend?” she finally asked, almost in a whisper. Caitlin smiled: she had never seen her friend so flustered before.
“Luisa, this is Caleb,” Caitlin said.
“A pleasure,” Caleb said, smiling down, extending his hand.
Luisa just kept staring. She slowly raised her hand, in a daze, obviously too shocked to speak. She looked over at Caitlin, not understanding how Caitlin could have snagged such a guy. She looked at Caitlin differently, almost as if she didn’t even know who she was.
“Um…” Luisa began, wide-eyed, “…um…like…where…like…how did you guys meet?”
For a second, Caitlin toyed with how to respond. She imagined telling Luisa everything, and smiled at the thought. That wouldn’t work.
“We met…after a concert,” Caitlin said.
It was at least partially true.
“OMG, what concert? In the city? The Black Eyed Peas!?” she asked in a rush, “I’m so jealous! I’ve been dying to see them!”
Caitlin smiled at the thought of Caleb at a rock concert. Somehow, she didn’t quite picture him there.
“Um….not exactly,” Caitlin said. “Luisa, listen, sorry to cut you off, but I don’t have much time. I need to know where Sam is. Have you seen him?”
“Of course. Everybody did. He came back last week. He looked weird. I asked him where you were and what his deal was but he wouldn’t tell me. He’s probably crashing out at that empty barn he loves.”
“He’s not,” Caitlin answered. “We were just there.”
“Really? Sorry. I don’t know. He’s a sophomore, you know? We don’t really cross paths that much. Have you tried IM-ing him? He’s always on Facebook.”
“I haven’t had my phone – ” Caitlin began.
“Take mine,” Luisa interrupted, and before she could finish, thrust her cell into Caitlin’s hand. “Facebook’s already open. Just log in and message him.”
Of course, Caitlin thought. Why didn’t I think of that?
Caitlin logged in, type Sam’s name in the search box, brought up his profile, and clicked message. She hesitated, wondering exactly what to write. Then she typed: “Sam. It’s me. I’m at the barn. Come meet me. ASAP.”
She clicked send and handed the phone back to Luisa.
Caitlin heard a commotion, and turned.
A group of the most popular senior girls were heading down the hall, right towards them. They were whispering. And all looking directly at Caleb.
For the first time, Caitlin felt a new emotion well up inside of her. Jealousy. She could see in their eyes that these girls, who never paid her any attention before, would love to steal Caleb away in a second. These girls had sway over any guy in school, any guy they wanted. It didn’t matter if he had a girlfriend or not. You just hoped that they didn’t set their eyes on your guy.
And now they were all staring at Caleb.
Caitlin hoped, prayed, that Caleb would be immune to their powers. That he would still like her. But as she thought about it, she couldn’t understand why he would. She was so average. Why would he stick with her when girls like these would die to have him?
Caitlin silently prayed that the girls would just keep walking. Just this once.
But, of course, they didn’t. Her heart pounded as the group turned and headed right for them.
“Hi Caitlin,” one of the girls said to her, in a fake-nice voice.
Tiffany. Tall, with straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and stick thin. Decked out from head to toe in designer apparel. “Who’s your friend?”
Caitlin didn’t know what to say. Tiffany, and her friends, had never given Caitlin the time of day. They had never even so much as looked her way. She was shocked that they even knew she existed, and knew her name. And now they were initiating conversation. Of course, Caitlin knew it had nothing to do with her. They wanted Caleb. Badly enough to have to humble themselves to talk to her.
This didn’t bode well.
Caleb must’ve sensed Caitlin’s unease, because he took a step closer to her and put one arm around her shoulder.
Caitlin had never been more grateful for any gesture in her life.
With a newfound confidence, Caitlin found the strength to speak. “Caleb,” she answered.
“So, like, what are you guys doing here?” another girl asked. Bunny. She was a replica of Tiffany, except brunette. “I thought you, like, left or something.”
“Well, I’m back,” Caitlin answered.
“So, are you, like, new here, too?” Tiffany asked Caleb. “Are you a senior?”
Caleb smiled. “I am new here, yes,” he answered cryptically.
Tiffany’s eyes lit up, as she interpreted it to mean he was new to their school. “Great,” she said. “There’s like a party tonight, if you want to come. It’s at my house. It’s only for a few close friends, but we’d love to have you. And…um…you, too, I guess,” Tiffany said, looking over at Caitlin.
Caitlin felt the anger swelling inside her.
“I appreciate the invitation, ladies,” Caleb said, “but am sorry to report that Caitlin and I already have an important engagement this evening.”
Caitlin felt her heart swell.
As she watched their expressions collapse, like a row of dominoes, she had never felt so vindicated.
The girls turned up their noses and slinked away.
Caitlin, Caleb, and Luisa stood there, alone. Caitlin exhaled.
“OMG!” Luisa said. “Those girls never gave the time of day to anyone before. Much less extended an invite.”
“I know,” Caitlin said, still reeling.
“Caitlin!” Luisa suddenly said, reaching out and grabbing her arm, “I just remembered. Susan. She said something about