Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines. А. Т. Серков
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Follow M.Faraday's hypothesis, the gravitational field is considered as a viscous-elastic body, which is characterized by a number of properties: modulus of elasticity, viscosity, anisotropic structure, the ability to shear deformation. Rotation and movement of the body in orbit are leading to periodic shear deformation of the field, which is implemented in the form of gravitational radiation. It is suggested two equations to calculate the speed of its spread. Velocity gradient at the field shear causes concentric orientation of the power lines at which the motion of orbiting bodies takes place without energy consumption. Distance to the orbits with the orientation of force lines obeys quantum law. The hypothesis about the origin of the magnetic field by the motion of celestial bodies and the shear deformation of the gravitational field is suggested. The repulsive force in space is due to the movement of the body in a magnetic field of another body. The formation of planetary rings depends on the mass and speed of the planet rotation. In the process of the emergence and evolution of planetary and a satellite system it is involves three known mechanisms: condensation (accretion), division and seizure. Condensation and accretion, as well as the slow accumulation in orbit changes occur during the gradual evolutionary change systems, which are then accompanied by abrupt (catastrophic) changes as a result of fission and capture of the celestial bodies.
The M.Faraday's power lines as the most important characteristic of the gravitational field, recognized by all, and yet this idea has not found wide implementation of development has not received what she deserves. This question is especially acute in connection with the rapid development of space, the discovery of previously unknown effect ("Pioneer" and satellites "Lageos").
Without invoking the power lines of gravity is impossible to know and explain the laws of planetary distances, the distribution of mass in the solar system, the nature of planetary rings, repulsive forces, gravitational radiation, the difference between gravitational and electric magnetism. The book is an attempt to find ways to the solution these issues.
The first chapter discusses the features of the gravitational field stationary and rotating celestial bodies. At the same time we are based on the M.Faraday's hypothesis that "The sun generates the field around itself, and the planets and other celestial bodies feel the influence of the field and behave accordingly." Elaborating on this thesis, it was assumed that the gravitational field of a cosmic body is realized in a physical medium (environment, ether, physical vacuum, dark matter) and can be considered as a viscous-elastic body, which can be characterized by a number of properties: modulus of elasticity, viscosity, anisotropic structure, the ability to shear deformation.
Shear strain of the field during the rotation of the body is considered taking into account the laws of dynamics of boundary layers formation, its particular case – separated flow. Provides a balance of forces, where the tearing is realized during the formation of the boundary layer on the surface of a revolution body.
The velocity gradient in the boundary layer results in a concentric orientation of the force lines of the gravitational field. Zone with a maximum orientation of force lines is characterized by minimal resistance movement orbit of the body and is regarded as permissible orbit.
The second chapter is the most important. It based on the experimental data on the evolution of moon satellite orbits is confirmed by many authors predicted a phenomenon similar to electromagnetic induction. Expressed and proved the assumption that the braking of lunar satellites due to the gravimagnetic forces arising at the intersection by satellites the power field lines (lines of tension or force lines) of gravitational field. To calculate the forces used an equation similar electrodynamics' equation of the Lorentz force. Estimated time of satellite braking "Lunar Prospector", "SMART-1" and "Kaguya" coincides with the actual accuracy of ± 14 %.
The scheme of the emergence of gravimagnetic forces is proposed, according to which the magnitude of the force depends on Sinα, where α is the angle at which the satellite crosses the gravimagnetic tension line. For non-rotating body – the moon, this angle is equal to 90 degree and the gravimagnetic braking force has a maximum value. In the case for rotating bodies, such as the Earth the intersection of tension line seems to occur at sharp angles and the braking force is much smaller (the "Pioneers" and satellites "Lageos")
It is suggested that the central rotating body by its rotation cause in the surrounding gravitational field periodic alternation of layers with a preferred orientation of radial and concentric force lines of the gravitational field, which leads to different intensity of the gravimagnetic braking forces and emergence of stable (permitted, elite) orbits and unstable (unresolved) orbits with high intensity of braking. An equation that determines the distance to the stable orbits is given. In equation includes a constant C = 2,48.10*8 cm / s is close in magnitude to the gravidynamic constant 2,16.10*8 cm / s, a member of the equation is similar to the Lorentz force equation is used to calculate the power gravimagnetic braking.
Establishing the exact laws of planetary and satellite orbital distances has always been a priority issue in astronomical science. However, for a long time on the empirical rule Titius-Bode law is not passed. The use of quantum principles allowed us to obtain a quantitative relationship between the orbital distances and rotation parameters of the central body. The resulting pattern confirms the above Faraday's statement that the Sun and the planets generates a field around him, and "orbiting celestial bodies feel the influence of the field, and behave accordingly."
The resulting pattern (chapter 3 and 4) states that the orbital radius of a planet or satellite R is defined by the formula: R = n*2 (GMT / C)*0,5, where n – integer, G – gravitational constant, M and T is the mass and period of rotation of the central body C – constant equal 4,63 ∙ 10*8 cm / s. From this formula it follows that the planetary and satellite distances determined by the parameters of rotation of the central body (M, T). Their influence is carried by shear deformation field, which causes the orientation of force lines that "celestial orbit bodies feel and behave accordingly."
The fifth chapter considers the nature of gravimagnetism. Based on the premise that electric charges do not exist, and their functions are carried out by elementary particles, due to the high density of matter in them (~ 10*12 g / cm3) and high rotation speeds (~ 10*15s*-1), the mechanism of magnetic fields formation, according to which the magnetic field induced by the mass of the shear deformation of the electrostatic (microgravity) field and the gravitational field. In the first case realize a field with high intensity, but it is effective at short distances. In the second case, the field has a relatively small stresses, but extends over long distances. The first kind of magnetism, taking into account the tradition, it is proposed to call electromagnetism, the second – gravimagnetism.
One of the cosmological paradoxes (it is sometimes called Newton's paradox) is that despite the absence of symmetric repulsive force gravitational force of attraction did not cause the collapse of the universe. This paradox has stimulated numerous attempts to detect cosmic repulsive force, which in size would be commensurate with the gravity. In the sixth chapter we prove that cosmic repulsive force in space has a dynamic nature. It occurs when the body has a mass moves in the magnetic (gravimagnetic) field, which is formed by the other body. This gravimetric force is similar to the electromagnetic Lorentz-Ampere force in atomic systems. Gravity and magnetic repulsive force is proportional to the square of the velocity of the moving body, the masses of interacting bodies, Sinus of the angle between the direction of motion and the power lines of gravimagnetic field and inversely proportional to the distance between the bodies in the fifth degree.
The seventh chapter is devoted to the problem of gravitational radiation. It is described two kinds of gravitational radiation due to shear deformation of the field during the rotation of the body and its orbital motion.
Shear deformation of the gravitational field has two components of normal stresses perpendicular to the direction of propagation of gravitational waves G and B. This are the vectors of gravitational and gravimagnetic tension. During the rotation or orbital motion of a body in a circle on the