Солнечные бароны. Организованная преступность. Алена Витаскова

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Солнечные бароны. Организованная преступность - Алена Витаскова

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радости жизни, счастье, основанное, напри-

      мер, на том, что вы подарите кому-то либо получите от

      кого-то в подарок букет подснежников. Любое положи-

      тельное человеческое качество они считают слабостью.

      Они считают дураком того, кто хочет безвозмездно ока-

      зывать помощь. Если человек откровенен, да ещё и го-

      тов пойти навстречу, то он им непонятен, да ещё и псих,

      с их точки зрения. Если кто-то чувствует себя счастли-

      Как возникли «солнечные бароны»

      вым лишь потому, что он здоров, а работа, например,

      водителя трамвая ему нравится, но для них он просто

      убогий, который не знает, что такое настоящая жизнь.

      Мне их искренне жаль. Они могут посмеяться над не-

      счастьем, которое приключилось с их другом, а между

      делом запросто грубо оговорить того в его отсутствие.

      Until Mila arrived, they talked about him without a moment.

      all shame. "Yes it's squalid, bum, he's enough.

      a jacket or some used car. But more

      all he likes these trips is a little bit normal

      grubs, babes,… He's a fool, but he's a necessary doo-

      crustacean. After all, he occupies a place in that important structure,

      which is this asshole we need, so we'll have to

      suffer. Moreover, we count on him and on

      another important place where for those three cents that

      we give him and of which he has had enough, he can sy-

      the role of a useful idiot, proclaimed Blue.

      eye. Then Mila comes, the conversation instantly breaks up.

      turns in the opposite direction,

      and everyone starts patting him on the fat back, be-

      loi and bumpy, like sour milk, in places covered with

      large blackheads.

      Mila slaps herself on the stomach and laughs at everyone.

      in short, he is already drunk, although the clock is only two o'clock in the afternoon.

      The poor fellow does not know that the swimming trunks of the brand ZIMMERLI, which -

      what he bought for this trip is really everything.

      just cowards, he doesn't even suggest they don't betray

      are assigned for bathing. Their price was so shocking.

      his that he walks in them on a private beach,

      rudded with modern sunbeds, with a wonderful

      a restaurant whose waiters go to serve

      guests directly to the sunbed, and guests don't even need to-

      hide to call the servants. To enable you

      Sunny Barons

      served, just press the small button

      near the sunbed, while there is no need for gesticulus-

      screaming, screaming, or otherwise disturbing the peace of the environment.


      Everything would have passed without much attention if Mila

      didn't decide to swim. Thanks to underwear, which

      the swarm got wet and became almost invisible, he was out.

      climbed almost naked. The sight was so disgusting.

      that I almost vomited. His companions

      hooted to the point of unconsciousness, one at the same time so

      let out the gases that left the beach with a brown "ducati-

      com" on his red, hand-embroidered swimming trunks.

      "Dukatik," that's what my grandmother used to say when we

      were very young and did not have time to run to

      toilet or poorly wiped ass. Then we have this co–

      the stretch speck was on the tights in a soft place

      and the grandmother reproached the grandchildren: "Well, again, they did not have time for

      potty, that's the ducat on the butt" and changed us clothes. Raz-

      I was in one. We were two years old, and those were.

      we're in our fifties.


      A select part of the scammers appropriated the aris-

      tocratic titles and felt "sunny"

      barons", but that was many years later. At that time

      they didn't know it would be very good.

      an offensive title. But let's not jump

      events and let's go back to the beginning of one very sad

      History. Sad because it's based on

      human insatiability and selfishness because it is

      is associated with murders, it's all

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