Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems. Группа авторов

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Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems - Группа авторов

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SPBO is presented. The problem formulation is discussed in Section 1.3. Section 1.4 presents the optimum DG placement in the distribution networks using the proposed mixed-discrete SPBO algorithm. Finally, the conclusions are drawn in Section 1.5.

      1.2.1 SPBO Algorithm

      SPBO algorithm has been proposed by Das et al. [66]. Similar to other meta-heuristic methodology, SPBO also uses a set of populations. The population considered in SPBO is analogous to a group of students present in the class. In general, the performance of a student is analyzed based on the marks/grade obtained by the student in the examination. The student with the maximum marks/grade is considered as the best one in the class and the student is awarded accordingly. It is also very clear that in the test the students will aim to achieve the highest marks/grade for which they need to provide more effort in their study. The overall grade is the final score of the students in the examination. The overall grade of a student depends on the cumulative effort given by the student in each subject offered to them. The students enhance their performance in the examination by paying more attention and effort in their studies. SPBO is based on the psychology of the students who are trying to improve their performance in the examination as well as trying to get the highest marks/grade in the examination.

      where, Xbest indicates the marks/grades obtained by the best student, Xj indicates the marks of the student, randomly selected, in the same subject, and rand generates a random number between 0 and 1. In (Equation 1.1), the D parameter randomly takes the value either 1 or 2. Marks obtained in the subjects by the best student may be increased or maybe decreased depending upon the student and the subjects. However, the primary objective of the best student in the class is to secure his/her position by continuously scoring the highest overall marks in the examination.

      Here, Xnewi is the improved performance of the ith student in that subject; Xbest and Xi are the marks/grade obtained in that subject by the best student and the ith student, respectively; mean represents the average marks obtained in the class in that particular subject and rand variable produces a random number between 0 and 1.

      where, Xi indicates the marks/grade of the ith student of the class in a subject, mean indicates the average marks obtained in that particular subject, and rand generates a random number between 0 and 1.

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