Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Transformation. Группа авторов
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Clarke AI: It is an AI bot that helps in dialing the conference calls and does the entire noting for the entire conference, and after the completion of the calls, the notes are emailed directly to the email box.
Google smart reply: It uses the machine learning to analyze the emails and suggests a quick response the person wants to send. It helps the employee to save the time in deciding the response for the mail and keeps the mails updated and well answered.
Paradox: With the help of AI assistant, it focuses on the entire candidate Management. With the help of VCV it helps to search the candidates: it calls them with the questions by using the voice recognition and invites them for the video interview.
So, it can be said that AI can be effectively intertwined into the complete life cycle of the employee; it starts with recruitment and selection, to HR service delivery and career designing, along with the personalized experience, and ends with the succession planning. HR agility has emerged as a critical theme for organizations in the war for talent.
3.10 Dark Side of AI
“Bad implementation of AI is a bias itself”
“You can have data scientists, but the ability to translate that to actual AI has become a struggle in HR.”
–Sonny Tambe [8]
Like a fairy tale dream, the life is always not a fancy land where all wishes comes true with a spiral of magic band. There always lies a bad in between the good and an evil between the boons, so is the case of AI in HR. As it is said that all the coins have two sides, so the AI is likewise among perusing resumes to grab best applicants more accurately by using the data to have a detailed discussion with the applicant. These are the positivity of the Big Data and AI technology in the HR department. But as the coin has two sides, so is the AI.
Between good and bad, there is a managerial conflict going on in totally believing a machine for “devolving” people management tasks as an HR function or to took up a strategic challenge by totally believing upon it [9]. However, it is debatable issue that can be argued over time (e.g., Wood [10]) that AI proposes a real opportunity for HR to make its mark.
Use of AI in HR is just like embracing algorithm to decide the fate of the organization and employees, which is also like a Disney cartoon with an evil always prowling in background to find its own way to bring harm to otherwise all good.
In terms of ethics of organization, the point arises in terms of permission in regard to the use of AI in organizations. The question pertains in terms of the use of machines in selecting the future success of any organizations. The issue of the trust rises. It is also difficult to judge the ill effects of AI in terms of errors, as in contrast to a human being, so to use the AI, new methodology ought to be determined for AI.
From an organizational psychology viewpoint, there are lots of issues to be handled before implementing the AI in HR In particular, the loss or the gain has to be carefully calculated before the inclusion. Researchers are expecting that, in the next 10–20 years, around 40%–50% of jobs in Germany could be computerized and round 12 % of all the employees will be substituted by means of machines technology like AI, where selection of the employees would also be greatly affected. It would certainly cause fear of job security result in lack of task interest under performance. It would also result in mental stress and negative fitness and poor outcome for the organizations.
In addition, from an economic point of view, AI calls for a big deal of training and skill updating before using it have to be taken care of, and lots of cost involve in regard to most of the companies having a big population of employee.
It would additionally result in mainstream bias via incorrect training. There are various threats, and significant changes also would not take place and loop holes in the transparency can also become a disadvantage. After all, at some factors, the companies may not recognize how constantly and continuously self-schooling AI makes its selections or recommendations.
3.10.1 Technical Requirements and Acceptance
Currently, there also are various questions in regard to technical competency. The quality and advancement of the machine may give varied results in interpretation of data. For example, the speech conception tool of AI may give wrong result based on the poor quality of the machine or poor algorithm. The technological structure and the essential resource needs also are still unclear at this time.
Applicants face the threat of being misjudged by the use of AI, in which it can bring the image of the company down in the eyes of the other applicants. Furthermore, because of the specialized process of application, the handling of AI can be in particular intricate for managers.
Technology can help in providing effective data in regard to the employees’ performance, but still, it lacks how effectively the Machine Feedback can bring the change in behavior and performance of an employee [11].
Finally, the legal component is likewise imperative. Some of the dark side of AI in HR is as follows:
“There is a central idea in machine learning: the data you use to teach a machine learning algorithm can significantly influence its behavior.”
– Pinar Yardage, Manuel Cambrian, and Iyad Rahwan, MIT
3.10.2 Cost Involvement
As per the comments from the several HR professionals, HR is still considered as the traditional department and the backbone of any organization; hence, it is necessary to update the work methodology of the HR with the new technology. But in order to gain the initiative, cost is implied and so in the case of AI. As per the report of TATA [12], implementing AI in HR involves two types of cost: fixed cost and variable cost. Fixed cost deals with the machinery purchase, software automation, and the software implementation, while variable cost deals with training of the employees in reference to AI in terms of adoptability and functioning. It may be a huge investment for an organization in comparison to the traditional method of HR. So, most of the organization may retain itself from it.
3.10.3 Machine Biases
It is found that danger from the bias of the machine is also possible as in case of Amazon in 2015. It found the favorable sum for the male by their new recruitment engine, at the time of new recruitment of the software developer for the AI team. It showed biases against women. As per the professionals, the AI may found difficulties in understanding the cultural barriers as the terminologies differ between cultures to culture. So, training the employees in right direction becomes the most primary care of using AI in recruitment as how to provide the training to the men who trains machines in order to avoid biases.
3.10.4 Job Losses
The biggest fear among the employee or rather in between the HR mangers is the loss of their job or an impact of the use of software on the importance of their workability. The fears are largely confined to the concern in regard to losing their job and the changes to change of their work through new automation capabilities. AI is causing damage to employees’ experience as an introduction of elimination of human labor, like the use of Uber’s self-driving cars results in the loss to taxi drivers.