Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry. Группа авторов

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Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry - Группа авторов

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Part I Influences on Rainfall

       Wilfried Pokam Mba1,2, Derbetini Appolinaire Vondou2, and Pierre Honore Kamsu-Tamo3

       1 Department of Physics, Higher Teacher Training College, University of Yaoundé I, Yaoundé, Cameroon

       2 Laboratory for Environmental Modeling and Atmospheric Physics, Department of Physics, University of Yaoundé 1, Yaoundé, Cameroon

       3 Climate Prediction Center, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, Maryland, USA


      Less attention is given to the study of the central African climate, such that many concepts were imported from other regions of the globe. This study underlines misleading information due to the simplistic view of mechanisms driving annual rainfall regime based on the intertropical convergence zone concept, and presents recent advances in regional climate dynamics and modeling. Up‐to‐date findings highlight links between major African climatic features such as Saharan heat low and Angola heat low and central African climate, which was unexplored due to the fragmented approach used to investigate African climate. In addition, the role of lows’ related features as shallow meridional circulations and mid‐tropospheric easterly jets were underlined, but remain understudied. This underlines the need of an integrated approach to provide an improvement in the understanding of central African climate, thereby breaking the rigid regional view of the continent’s climate system. Investigations demonstrate that intense observation campaigns are required to explain singularities of central African climate and improve understanding of mechanisms prevailing in this region.


      The prominence of central Africa in the tropical climate system is well established. Central Africa is one of the three major global hotspots of convective activity, which are a key part of the large‐scale air circulation that transfers warm air from the tropics toward the poles, thereby contributing to the regulation of global climate. The regional climate system is associated with the world’s greatest frequency of thunderstorms and lightning (Cecil et al., 2015; Clulow et al., 2018). Central Africa has an extensive wetland and the regional hydrography is dominated by the Congo Basin, which is the biggest water catchment in Africa, holding 30% of the continent’s water resources (Brummett et al., 2008), and the second‐largest catchment in the world. The Congo Basin, with over thousands of kilometers of navigable waterways, presents an opportunity to adapt and reduce the effect of climate change on the Lake Chad Basin through the possibility of interbasin water transfer (Salman & Momha, 2009). The wealth of biodiversity over central Africa is abundant. It has the second‐largest tropical forest on Earth, with evergreen trees and thousands of species of plants, and hundreds of species of mammals and birds. Carbon sequestration by the Congo forest contributes to climate regulation and thereby mitigates climate change (Eba’a et al., 2015).

      This study reviews recent advances in drivers of the climate regime over central Africa and highlights aspects that merit further attention. The focus is on annual rainfall regime and associated mechanisms. Current knowledge in regional atmospheric dynamic and associated potential for understanding rainfall regime is presented. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2.2 presents mechanisms linked to the annual rainfall regime and related insufficiency. Section 2.3 deals with convection and associated gaps. The consequence of the knowledge gap in the functioning of regional climate on climate modeling is presented in Section 2.4, and conclusions are presented in Section 2.5.

      This section starts with a brief description of the main climate features and their drivers over central Africa. Drivers of rainfall producing mechanisms found over the region encompass the northern and the southern components of the African Easterly Jet, the shallow meridional circulation, the Congo Basin Cell, the Congo Air Boundary, and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The dynamics of the jets are well documented and owe their existence to surface temperature contrast between the warm

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