The Integration Nation. Adrian Favell

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The Integration Nation - Adrian Favell

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this – as a defence of ‘people’s’ democracy or the national welfare state, for example – but they need to be clear they do so for normative reasons (as in, e.g., Miller 2016). Critical scholars, however, with other values rooted in the struggle against global inequalities, against racism, and for notions of a transformative politics on a planetary scale, should steer well clear of its conceptual use. Only by critiquing the idea of immigrant integration can we contribute to decentring western views and decolonizing the language and terms of mainstream migration studies (Mayblin and Turner 2021).

Integration as a Paradigm

      International migration is frequently cited as one of the key ‘global challenges’ facing the planet. Along with other economic, political and ecological ruptures, it is often rolled into a more generally perceived ‘crisis’ of liberal democracy. A constructive and ostensibly progressive attitude to migration management was a hallmark of the ‘global era’ of the 1990s, which gave way to the much more anxious and politically contentious debates of the 2000s and after about the future of globalization. Yet a forward-looking view on ‘immigrant integration’ is still the commitment of much academic and policy research, seeking to respond to ongoing international migration in a positive way. Such work is trapped in a paradigm caught between modernist social theory and the demands of ‘impact’-oriented applied social research. This is the doxa of mainstream thought on migration, expressed in an unquestioned linear view of immigration, integration and citizenship that anchors the power of notionally post-colonial nation-states in the North Atlantic West. Introducing the elements of a new political demography, in this opening chapter I expose the mainstream linear view, then discuss some of my background assumptions about mobilities, diversity and the persistent idea of society beyond the nation-state.

      Immigrant integration is the process of economic mobility and social inclusion for newcomers and their children. As such, integration touches upon the institutions and mechanisms that promote development and growth within society, including early childhood care; elementary, postsecondary, and adult education systems; workforce development; health care; provision of government services to communities with linguistic diversity; and more. Successful integration builds communities that are stronger economically and more inclusive socially and culturally. (Migration Policy Institute:

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