Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Paramedics. Группа авторов

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Paramedics - Группа авторов

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has a clinical academic position and divides her time between three roles. She has worked within the Parkinson’s Northumbria Team in the UK for over 23 years, starting as the research associate before obtaining a nurse specialist post. For the past 16 years she has worked as a nurse consultant in Parkinson’s. Her main role is to co‐ordinate the Parkinson’s service, support patients and their families and manage a team of Parkinson’s specialist nurses. As an autonomous practitioner she is responsible for diagnosis and management of all stages of Parkinson’s. She has worked on and been involved with multiple research studies at a local, national and international level, including non‐motor symptoms, sexual dysfunction, information prescriptions and care needs in Parkinson’s. Her doctorate focused on understanding carer strain and its relationship to care home placement for people with Parkinson’s. Annette was appointed to an associate professor post with Northumbria University in recognition of her research work within the field of Parkinson’s. She also has the UK national role of clinical lead for nursing within the Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network, as part of the clinical leadership team. This role was developed to support service improvements through education, knowledge exchange and evidence‐based practice and support the role of the Parkinson’s nurse across the UK.

       Ashley Ingram BSc (Hons), MCPara. Frailty Practitioner.

      Ashley began his career with South Western Ambulance Foundation Trust as an ambulance care assistant. Over the space of 7 years he worked his way up to a registered paramedic, training whilst working full time. He worked as an ambulance paramedic for 3 years, during which time he took a keen interest in palliative and end‐of‐life care. He has recently embarked on a primary care role as a frailty practitioner. Working within a multidisciplinary team, they focus on admission avoidance, with patients who reside in care homes in Dorset, UK. He looks forward to developing this role in the future.

       Anthony Kitchener MSc, PGCert. Paramedic Educationalist.

       Ricky Lawrence Clinical Education Tutor.

      Ricky has been working in the Clinical Education Standards for the past 2 years. He joined the London Ambulance Service in 1982 after leaving the army, as a qualified ambulance technician working in London, qualifying as a NHSTD registered paramedic in 1990. Since then he has had various roles within the London Ambulance Service and a secondment to the Department of Health Equality and Human Rights Group, as lead adviser on EQIA. He returned in 2007 as Equality and Inclusion Officer until 2016 when due to organisational restructuring, he had a number of short roles in safeguarding and infection prevention control before joining the CES department full time.

       Claire Leader RN, RM, PGCAP, MA, BSc (Hons), FHEA. Senior Lecturer.

      Claire qualified as a registered nurse from York University in 1998 after which she moved to Leeds, working in cardiothoracic surgery and emergency nursing. In 2003 she commenced her midwifery education at Huddersfield University where she was awarded a first class BSc (Hons). Working initially at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, she later moved to the North East where she commenced her role as a staff midwife before moving into the area of research as a research nurse and midwife. She was awarded a distinction for her MA in sociology and social research at Newcastle University in 2012. Claire moved to Northumbria University in 2018 and is now a senior lecturer and programme lead for pre‐registration nursing programmes, while also studying for her PhD in the area of nurse and midwife wellbeing.

       Tom Mallinson BSc (Hons), MBChB, PGCHE, MRCGP(2020), MCPara, MCoROM, FAWM, FHEA, FRGS. Prehospital Doctor, Rural Generalist, Responder Support Clinician.

      Tom began his career in London, undertaking the IHCD ambulance aid and paramedic qualifications alongside a Bachelor’s degree in paramedic science at the University of Hertfordshire. After working as a paramedic for the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust, he attended Warwick Medical School to qualify as a medical practitioner. He continued his studies with postgraduate qualifications in healthcare education, wilderness medicine and primary care. Tom has published a variety of primary research and educational resources and is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Paramedic Practice.

       Jason McKenna BSc, GDip, DipNQEMT AP. Advanced Paramedic Supervisor.

      Jason began his prehospital career as an emergency medical technician within the private ambulance services in Ireland. In 2011 he joined the National Ambulance Service as a student paramedic, graduating from University College Dublin (UCD) with a diploma in emergency medical technology. In 2015 he continued his education as part of the Bachelor degree programme in paramedic studies at the University of Limerick. He subsequently joined the advanced paramedic programme, graduating from UCD in 2018 with a graduate diploma in emergency medical science. He is also a graduate of the University of South Wales where he studied Acute Medicine. He is a registered assistant tutor with PHECC and is involved with training and education of all levels of prehospital care from community first responder to paramedic. His interests lie in prehospital education and research.

       Ian Peate

      OBE, FRCN.

      Visiting Professor of Nursing, St George’s University of London and Kingston University London; Visiting Professor, Northumbria University; Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Hertfordshire, and Editor‐in‐Chief of the British Journal of Nursing. Senior Lecturer University of Roehampton.

      Ian began his nursing career at Central Middlesex Hospital, becoming an enrolled nurse practising in an intensive care unit. He later undertook 3 years’ student nurse training at Central Middlesex and Northwick Park Hospitals, becoming a staff nurse and then a charge nurse. He has worked in nurse education since 1989. His key areas of interest are nursing practice and theory. Ian has published widely. He is editor in chief of the British Journal of Nursing, founding consultant editor of the Journal of Paramedic Practice and editorial board member of the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. Ian was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s 90th Birthday Honours List for his services to nursing and nurse education and was granted a fellowship from the Royal College of Nursing in 2017.

       Liam Rooney BSc (Hons), GDip, DipNQEMT‐AP. Assistant Tutor.

      Liam has worked as a firefighter/paramedic with Dublin Fire Brigade since 2007, where he completed his diploma in emergency medical technology – paramedic with the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. In 2016 he completed a BSc (Hons) in paramedic studies at the University of Limerick, winning the Graduate Entry Medical School Award for overall performance. In 2017, he undertook a graduate diploma in emergency medical science through University College Dublin. Liam currently practises as an advanced paramedic in Ireland. In 2017, he joined the faculty of DX2, where he delivers multiple courses in prehospital education. He has a keen interest in geriatric medicine and pain management in dementia patients.

       Fraser D. Russell BSc (Deakin), PhD (Univ. Melb.). Associate Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

      Fraser’s PhD investigating the regulation of cardiac beta‐adrenoceptors was awarded

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