The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Группа авторов
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1 (i) How to decide the most effective treatment for a particular disease?
2 (ii) How certain policies impact the outlay and behavior?
3 (iii) How does the healthcare cost likely to rise for different aspects of the future?
4 (iv) How the claimed fraudulently can be identified?
5 (v) Does the healthcare outlay vary geographically?
These challenges can be overcome by utilizing big data analytical tools and techniques. There are four major pillars of quality healthcare. Such as real-time patient monitoring, patient-centric care, improving the treatment methods, and predictive analytics of diseases. All these four pillars of quality healthcare can be potently managed by using descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive big data analytical techniques.
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7. Catteddu, D. and Hogben, G., Cloud Computing: Benefits, risks and recommendations for information security, ENISA, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
8. Phyu, T.N., Survey on Data Mining Classification Techniques. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2009, March 18-2009, vol. I, IMECS, 2009.
9. Ram, C.P. and Sreenivaasan, G., Security as a Service (SASS): Securing of user data by the coprocessor and distributing data. Trendz Information and Computing Sciences (TISC2010), December 2010, pp.152–155.
10. Yau, S.S. and Ho, G., Privacy protection in cloud computing sytems. Int. J. Software Inform., 4, 4, 351–365, December 2010.
11. Mishra, A., An Authentication Mechanism Based on Client-Server Architecture for Accessing Cloud Computing, International Journal of Emerging Technology Advanced Engineering, 2, 7, 95–99, July 2012.
12. Huang, S.-C. and Chen, B.-H., Highly accurate moving object detection in variable bit rate video-based traffic monitoring systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 24.12, 1920–1931, 2013.
13. Kafhali, S.E. and Haqiq, A., Effect of Mobility and Traffic Models on the energy consumption in MANET Routing Protocols. arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.3259, 2013.
14. Mishra, A. et al., A Review on DDOS Attack, TCP Flood Attack in Cloud Environment. Elsevier SSRN International Conference on Intelligent Communication and computation Research, Available at, March 31, 2020.
1 *Corresponding author: [email protected]
2 †Corresponding author: [email protected]
3 ‡Corresponding author: [email protected]
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