Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development. Группа авторов

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Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development - Группа авторов

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      ISBN 978-1-119-79182-9

      Cover images: Pixabay.Com

      Cover design by Russell Richardson

      Set in size of 11pt and Minion Pro by Manila Typesetting Company, Makati, Philippines

      Printed in the USA

      10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Dedicated to Green Earth


      Emerging cutting-edge methodologies of smart technology models are thoroughly investigated holistically reflected, comprehensively explained and meticulously illustrated in this book. Included are highly important fields of investigation and facilitation of original, innovative and novel real-life application of smart-technology models currently being used today, related to novel up-and-coming areas of business, industry and personal life. During previous decades, the analytical toolbox and heuristic methods of mathematics and statistics, computer science and analytics, and exploration and information have attracted the attention of numerous researchers and practitioners worldwide. This development has also had a strong impact on science, engineering, economics, the IT sector and, recently, the branches of hospitality and recreation, leisure, travel and the arts. Here, analysis and calculus, algebra and arithmetic, statistics and stochastics, optimization and optimal control, and neuro- and quantum physics have become key technologies of support from an integrated viewpoint, and are closely related and supportive to modern operational research (OR), including OR for development of developing countries, social complexity and ethics, to appropriately address aspects of living conditions, life perspectives, education, security, freedom and peace in relation to new and fast-growing industries, the environment, and towards future generations.

      In the modern world, with data progressing in quantity and quality, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of technology. AI, along with OR, big data, mathematical data science and inverse problems, are standing on the frontline of technological and scientific enhancements which represent real and potential transitions within smart living both on the individual and community levels. These technological and scientific results and inventions, as well as their applications, are already impacting all branches of industry and occupations at a paradigm-shifting speed. Not only are current and future practical applications in diverse areas, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), renewable energy, finance and electricity markets, engineering optimization, smart cities, space-time design, quantum computation and physics, social sciences, etc., essential for any further advancement; but scientific design and research and invention through AI, OR, big data, mathematical data science and inverse problems also should not be neglected. Indeed, this book strives to contribute to all of them actively and proactively, creatively and responsibly.

      For fulfilling its goals of serving all of us and also future generations, this handbook incorporates the newest achievements from mathematics and computer science, electrical and electronics engineering, neuroscience and cognitive sciences, medicine and social sciences, from creation torecreation. Respect and responsibility for the life and dignity of every human and creature are of premium importance. For these reasons, an edited collection of interesting and exciting research is proposed and introduced, prepared and worked out, and successfully completed in the chapters of this book.

      Classical and heuristic, nature-inspired as well as holistic optimization methodologies have become increasingly popular and accepted as core technologies in all research fields of engineering and science design and technology, in practice and as a solution to the immense worldwide challenge of fostering individual and community fulfillment in an exceptional manner to prepare for a better future. The present and continuing trends which can be witnessed in applications of science in classical and emerging methodologies and instruments are continuing to grow and shift into the fields of economics and finance, healthcare and medicine, recreation and holiday industries, landscape use and space-time use and their protection all around the world. Collected in this new monograph and compendium are many fascinating, highly refined, high-quality chapters chosen from among a broad variety of research, design, development and application topics and fields. Wellestablished and quite novel techniques of classical and heuristic, life-inspired and spacetime-hosted optimization have been used to analyze, treat and solve some truly complex problems in the fields of modern management, business, industry, finance, academia, and future applications.

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