Kaliningrad – an ambivalent transnational region within a European-Russian scope. Evgeniy Chernyshev
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The next phase is inheritance and recovery, as well as studying. This fundamentally new phase was based on the comprehension of 1970s, when took place the first preservation of old buildings and timid restoration work. Inhabitants of the region began to try on the role of the successors of culture of the past. This happened already meaningfully and purposefully. The process was followed by the overcoming of alienation and formation the relationship of belonging, then followed by the theoretical inclusion of heritage into universal cultural wealth. The inclusion of heritage into universal cultural wealth was a decisive step on the path to comprehension by residents their place in the history and culture of this area.
According to historian Eckhard Matthes, «communication with the region has acquired existential significance for the individual»197.
The theoretical basis for active perception was needed and quickly came into conflict with the official ideology. The process of rethinking the place and role of Soviet residents in Kaliningrad totally did not fit into ideological frames. Official propaganda does not take into account the changes in the perception and continued to be based on the «classical» approaches of 1940—50s. Authorities have been faced with the question how to ’submit’ the interpretation of Kaliningrad to the younger generation: myths need to be updated198.
The «new consciousness» has penetrated even in the milieu of the official Soviet authorities and party elite («nomenklatura»). At first, this process was latent and invisible, but slowly being translated into real actions. A prime example of this trend is the activities of Viktor Denisov, one of the Soviet leaders, who on his «own risk» and under his own responsibility «lobbied» in the party organizations the restoration of monuments, and the allocation of financial resources to do so. Viktor Denisov was elected to the chair of the city executive committee (mayor) of Kaliningrad in August 1972. During his office, a lot of attention was paid to housing, development of social and transport infrastructure, planning and organization of public services199. Thanks to his efforts, more social infrastructure was constructed in Kaliningrad than during the previous post-war period. Nevertheless, most importantly, firstly in post-war time from the «top» began the restoration and preservation of historical and architectural monuments. His name is associated with preservation or restoration of a number of historical monuments, which are now «visit cards» of the city and attract many tourists200.
Measures of official propaganda for objective reasons have operated more efficiently on elder people, those who fought at war itself or remember its consequences. Younger generation with the passage of time became less susceptible to the official Soviet interpretation of history of the Kaliningrad region.
Nevertheless, the nature of propaganda was changed, despite the invariance of the official ideology. The propaganda becomes less aggressive and had ’inertial’ character. It was understood by ideologues themselves. It is important to note that even before the ’perestroika’ took place a ’liberalization’ of mass consciousness: firstly, among a limited range of people.
In the first half of the 1980s even before the beginning of «perestroika», were taken first attempts of professional historians to look into the pre-war history of the region. As a result, were published first scientific and publicist editions. Certain changes occur in the minds of the youth subculture that existed in parallel to the official one.
The process of formation of the youth «underground» is proceeds in different parts of the country, as a protest against the official ideology and culture. However, this protest in Kaliningrad is closely linked with the history of the region, and it manifests itself in the lexicon. Increasingly it was possible to hear in everyday speech, «Koenig» instead of «Kaliningrad», «Shpandin»201, and «Dvoryanskoe gnezdo»202. Gradually, these local place names become public to use in Kaliningrad among different social groups. In the late 80’s newspaper «Kaliningradskij Komsomolets» even published an informal map of Kaliningrad, which contained these names203.
Today it is not especially controversial to recognize the multicultural past of the Kaliningrad region. Actually, an informal group of intellectuals was formed already in the early 1980s, calling itself the «Prussian Club». They aimed to recall the memory of Prussia by referring to the old names of the streets in the city, adopt Prussian names and perform sketches dressed in Prussian clothes204. It has become fashionable to be interested in the history of the region. This fashion has reached its peak after the «perestroika».
Time passed, and Kaliningradians felt themselves as an integral part of the territory where they live. This is what is written by those who came to Kaliningrad in the distant 1940—50s, who by their own eyes saw the area changed.
Nadezhda Makushina: «I consider this land as my homeland. I have never been to those places where I came from. I love Kaliningrad, because I have built this city».
Anna Boyko: «At first, the attitude to this territory was like to a foreign land. However, people get used to anything. We built similar houses unlike dissimilar German buildings. We have brought our culture here and destroyed the culture of the true masters. We have lived our Soviet life. It is difficult to talk about mistakes now – times were different. In any case, what is the use of talking about mistakes now? We must try to save what is still the best we have. Especially because I live in the Kaliningrad region almost during all my life, I cannot treat this area other than my homeland»205.
Territories passed from hands to hands at all times with or without inhabitants. In the latter case, the world of knowledge that has been accumulated by centuries almost vanished. In this sense, settlers started with a blank space. New land was for them in all respects as a «terra incognita». However, to live on the land without knowledge about it is impossible. However, mastering of the land was not only meant as a mechanical recovery of material structures, but also as the cognition as an everyday practice. New residents of the Kaliningrad region created their own «world of presence» instead of alien; was create a new and comprehensive knowledge of the world.
Settler was the «learning person» (homo scientis), who has extracted knowledge and shared it. The history of the development of a new cultural space is a history of its cognition. Kaliningrad was established not only politically and technologically, but was opened mentally. This is the basis for the emotional vision206.
Texts, images, rituals, and monuments generate shared memory and general knowledge, as «anything can be a sign to encode the community». Everyday experiences, traditions, and memories of communities can be described as the «core of collective identity207». They form a «formative Text», which give answers to the question: «Who are we?»
2.4. The Kaliningrad region as enclave: Theoretical and historical background
The Enclave is a territory, which controlled from outside by a «motherland», an international organization or a transnational enterprise, which is lying outside the enclave. According to this definition, the Oblast may be an enclave: It is important
Maslov Vitaly: Dva pybezha, ili ocherk togo, kak zaklyvali I otkryvali spezialnost «istorija» v KGHI-KGU. In: Problemy istochnikovedenija i istoriografii. Kaliningrad 2004/3, p. 82—94.
Matthes, Eckhard: Regionales Bewusstsein der Bevölkerung im Gebiet Kaliningrad, In: Böttcher, W.: Region. Internationales Forum für lokale, regionale und globale Entwicklung. Münster 2004, p. 94; Matthes, Eckhard: Verbotene Erinnerung. Die Wiederentdeckung der ostpreußischen Geschichte und regionales Bewußtsein in Gebiet Kaliningrad (1945—2001). In: Osteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen, 11/12 (2001); Matthes, Eckhard: Regionalnoje samosoznanie v Kaliningradskoj oblasti. In: Kaliningradskije arhivy. Materialy i issledovanija. Kaliningrad, 5 (2003), p. 203—218.
Brodersen, Per: Op. cit., p. 232.
Pzhesdomskij, Andrey (ed.): Königsberg-Kaliningrad, 1255—2005: enciklopedicheskij spravochnik. Kaliningrad 2006, p. 48.
Cathedral (Königsberger Dom), Regional museum of History and Art (Stadthalle), Regional Philharmonic Hall (Kirche «Zur Heiligen Familie»), King’s Gate (Königstor), the Puppet Theatre (Church to memory of Queen Louise).
Lexical modification of the name of pre-war district of Königsberg «Schpandinen».
District around the Drama Theatre, where lived the officers of the Baltic Fleet and intellectuals.
Rzhevski, Vlad: Kaliningradskaja Prussia. Kaliningrad 2006, p. 89.
Sezneva, Olga: Op. cit., p. 76.
Kostjashov, Juri: Vostochnaja Prussia glazami sovjetskih pereselencev. Pervye gody Kaliningradskoj oblasti v vospominanijah i dokumentah. St. Petersburg 2002, p. 173.
Brodersen, Per: Op. cit., 13.
Giesen, Bernhard: Identität und Moderne. Frankfurt am Main 1999, p. 42.