Red. Fundamentalism. Almaz Braev

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Red. Fundamentalism - Almaz Braev

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the Bolsheviks helped the Russian peasants to legalize their new property. This explains the population’s love for socialism (“in the weak link of capitalism,” according to Lenin), not innate collectivism. Marx failed in Europe because of this very habit of Europeans. They had the property for a long time, hence freedom. (In 1933, the bourgeoisie reacted quite naturally when it supported Hitler and his fight against communism). But Marx was raised to the banner in Soviet Russia because there had been a massive internal “migration” of property in Russia. The socialist law simply abolished the property.

      Redistribution of property and its simultaneous abolition by legal law immediately revived the old informal (folklore) laws and connections. It led to a variant of a new absolute monarchy, to the leader’s omnipotence and his bureaucracy. This new elite could not abandon Marx because it needed to show continuity. That’s why all traditional folks expect approximately such socialism if they undertake mass migration from the countryside to the city. But there are no such people in the world anymore. Or they are petite. This also explains why, throughout the 20th century, people were unable to see any other socialism other than peasant socialism.

      Chapter 6

      Worse than me!

      Western culture blames dictatorships that dictators create a cult. They want to create themselves. Because they know perfectly well that the crowd chooses, according to the principle, “worse than me.” Take a look at the European leaders. The voters chose them. But for what? Macron married an adult woman by the age of his mother. Merkel lives like ordinary people. The crowd sees and rejoices: “They are worse than me!”

      What is the difference between totalitarianism, sorry, autocracy, and such a democracy with a choice on the principle that he is worse than me? Dictators pick up harmless, spineless people without a face to secure their unlimited power. The degradation of totalitarianism comes from the top.

      In a democracy, the crowd chooses idols, including politicians, on the same principle. But instead of power as the goal of life, self-love. The crowd chooses people worse than themselves. That’s why democracy degrades from below by mass egoism.

      However, why does democracy look more stable than dictatorships? Because the choice of the crowd does not rise above the required level. With totalitarianism, a layer of managers is affected. Therefore, after the dictator’s departure, troubled times come. There are no guarantees of a quiet life for anyone.

      In a democracy, people are selected, the same, really not independent. Parliament severely limits the Chancellor’s power. That’s why even women are appointed military ministers. You can safely say that, after all, nothing will happen. There is another invisible power over the state machine. But these are not the people. The crowd is interested in choosing a funny, harmless person. The crowd has long been studied. The egoism of the crowd has long been accustomed to and adjusted. The crowd was allowed to choose anyone, but only after controlling the consequences of the choice: you are worse than me. That is why no modern president does or cannot raise the issue of national security. The crowd never understands; it only feels. Therefore, voters are allowed to choose every four years. These elections don’t solve anything. Not because the crowd reduces the level of candidates to their egoism but because there is another level above the state level. This level is the new fascism, which is still unknown to the folks, but they feel it and are surprised by their modern so-called impotent elite.

      Now, the level of money is above the level of the state. Money is the only deity for humanity. If you turn off moral values, it’s natural. The state level is the highest moral level of society. While there is still no de jure world government and the basic principle of the planet’s existence, the state principle remains the most recognizable and understandable. The new leadership style of nations is determined by money, the world currency. Hence, the crisis of state management. To put it simply, the state turns from the guarantor of the Constitution, that is, local morality, into a feeder. At this very time, people with no access to power are trying to have it in every way…money. In addition, they select idols – singers, buffoons, showmen, talkers, etc. They select according to the principle – worse than me.


      What is pleasant and, at the same time, unpleasant guest worker Jamshut for Russian fascists? Jamshut is cheap. He is an executive slave.

      What is pleasant and, at the same time, unpleasant about Conchita Wurst? She has deviations (worse than me), but she is nice when she goes out in public. Only conservative (moral) people find it unpleasant. But these people do not decide anything at home. The media and the corrupt local rulers taught them to love money from the very beginning. In a generation, they will also love non-standard people like Conchita.

      Chapter 7

      The dictatorship of the proletariat is in the hands of Pharisees and fools

      Who was the third? Will be a Future situation teaching German Nazism?

      There are different dictatorships. Basically, these are the dictatorships of the elites. The ancestral nobility, the aristocracy of the military caste, and the junta finally. The dictatorship of the oligarchy. But where did the dictatorship of the proletariat come from?

      No, I know; everyone knows that Karl Marx invented this dictatorship at the heart of a revolutionary dispute with bourgeois opponents in the first half of the 19th century. But Karl Marx hated any primitive community (like the Russian one). In his letter to Vera Zasulich, he did not count on the Russians in any way. On the contrary, he considered them backward people from the Asian world. However, here’s the bad luck! It was in Russia that the proletarian revolution took place. In any case, everyone still calls it that.

      In fact, it was a great peasant and not a revolution at all, but a global parochial revolt that could spread to exactly the same backward Asian peoples. Folks who lived as a community. People who “suffered” under the despotism of their Asian elites. Throughout the 20th century, only Asia went on strike like this. But who, in fact, thought that they suffered? Asian peoples still, until our age of high technology and the Internet, quite live “under the yoke” of their elites and would have lived on if no one had interfered with them had not been liberated with a liberation mission. The meme of the dictatorship of the proletariat, as a cast from the primitive dictatorship of the genus, has lived an independent life of religious dogma. And it was picked up by all the religious, in fact, Asian despotic peoples. Not only the great revolutionaries shouted, but also fanatics with fools. The atheistic, at least deeply rational peoples of the West have abandoned the meme of Karl Marx. And they put forward their version of the dictatorship – fascism and the nation.

      Why does this meme of dictatorship still live in the form of dogma? And prevents you from clearing the way from the old deity? There are also groups of dogmatists, fanatics, hypocrites, and talkers who will definitely use the proletariat, which does not exist in the coming revolt, but it still exists precisely because of stubbornness, the most primitive egoism of old believers. In each modern car, you can see a dray. And don’t strain yourself. Just turn on your imagination, and everything will match again. The descendants of Russian peasants under this meme will storm the monarch with revolutionaries, seize power, and choose their red monarch after killing revolutionaries (allegedly Jews). Then, in the third generation, they will again break up into new, super modern feudal lords and no less modern, but such disenfranchised peasants. Wherever another group of dictators appears, such Pharisees will immediately see the hand of the meme. The strict ancestral morality of taboo turned into the dictatorship of the proletariat in the 19th century, thanks to Marx. But Marx did not know, could not know in the heat, that his meme would not just live an independent life of dogma but would

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