Palmist-3. Return. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist-3. Return - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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It was a friend, Sultana continued to assert.

      – You made a mistake. My name is Adele.

      – Very nice. Sultan.

      – Let’s get acquainted.

      – I noticed you a long time ago.

      – And I almost never go out. And I don’t look around much.

      – I noticed. I have wanted to approach you for a long time, but you are so modest, I did not know how to do it.

      – Let’s go sit down. Vina smiled sweetly. Sultana smiled back.

      – Where are you from?

      – I am from Morocco, Rabat city.

      – Yes. It must be very beautiful there. I have never been to Morocco. Forgetting her guilt, she almost blurted out, “Come to us. But coming to her senses in time, she answered,

      – Yes, very much. Very beautiful. And where are you from?

      – I am a native of Cambodia, after marriage I moved to the city of Bangkok. My husband is a famous palmist.

      – I already know that. Vina thought to herself. – Great. You have a completely different life there compared to Morocco. There was sadness in Vina’s voice. Sultana tried to read between the lines of the words of Guilt, and catch in them useful information for herself. In the course of the conversation, a friendship was formed between the girls. And to some extent, Sultana’s doubts were dispelled.

      – Maybe I was wrong. It is the fears of the past that are making themselves felt. Sultana listened to the Guilt, and mentally compared pictures from the past. Murky episodes surfaced in her memory. Once forgotten failures were being restored.

      – What are you thinking about? Sultana returned to reality.

      – Yes, just about nothing. It is lunchtime. Can we have lunch together?

      – With pleasure. To his surprise, Vina’s hostility to the Sultan was replaced by sympathy. She found in it a lot in common with herself and her past. The girls actually found something to talk about.

      – “You don’t look like a Moroccan at all.”

      – Yes. I was born in Europe.

      – And where? If it is not a secret. Vina, taken by surprise, did not know what to answer. Indonesia dropped out for security reasons. And not knowing what to come up with, she named the first country that popped up in her memory.

      – Albania.

      – Albania?

      – Yes. I was born and raised in this country. Then she married Adjo.

      – So marry Adjo. Sultana had suspicions about the honesty of the words of Guilt. And she kept asking leading questions. – You must love your husband very much.

      – yes. Very.

      – And you have no children. Just like with Amir and me. Sultana said with sadness in her voice.

      – Yes. Unfortunately, Allah punished me with such a punishment.

      – And for what? If it is not a secret. Vina, ready to open her mouth and blurt out everything as if in spirit, suddenly fell silent in indecision. – I am sorry for not a modest question. Seeing the embarrassment on the face of Guilt, Sultana realized that she had pressed the sick buttons, and with a movement of her hand offered to go to the ward.

      While the girls were having a nice lunch, Rashid was sitting on board the plane, and to his surprise, nervously fidgeted with a button on his jacket. Vina, realizing that Sultana was sitting in front of her, was afraid of her every move. I was afraid to slip up on the slightest trifle, this constant tension tired the girl, and she wanted to lie down. – I am not feeling well.

      – Of course. After a delicious lunch. I would lie down too. The girls said goodbye on a friendly note. For a couple of hours of communication, each of them has accumulated many questions in their head. Everyone was shaking with fear for his or her lives. Feeling distrust in their hearts, each of them maintained an outward friendliness. Sultana tried to see Guilt in this girl, and at the same time, she saw that she was a sweet and friendly Adele. And it has nothing to do with Guilt, except for the shape and expression of the eyes. Vina was afraid of Sultana like fire. The slightest misfire could ruin her happiness, which she had been striving for.

      – “If she finds out who I am, I’m dead.” She will tell her husband everything. If you have not already told me. They will turn me in to the authorities. I am going to jail for life. I am going to die in prison. God, why would I do that? Vina felt cornered. Not daring to tell anyone about what happened to her, she decided to let the situation take its course, and in order not to become friends with the Sultan. —She is just as much a victim as I am. I wonder what happened to her. Why is she here? Knowing the reason for his infertility, Vina was bursting with curiosity, what was Sultana doing here? In order to extract information from Sultana, Vina decides to tell the Sultan the reason for her misfortune.

      In the evening, after dinner, Vina entered the Sultana’s room. Sultana was delighted with the guest, – maybe we will have tea.

      – Great idea! I brought with me our herbal, from Morocco. I will get it right away.

      – Did you bring tea with you?

      – Yes, our Moroccan.

      – Well, wow, I would not be lucky.

      – My husband brought me by ferry. It was not difficult for me to take it with me.

      – Great. Things are different here in Bangkok. Sultana looked at Vina as a person of a different Race. – Is this really the same Fault? I do not believe. Vina did not notice how she turned into a modest homemaker. But despite all these drastic changes, she was happy. Looking around the Sultana’s chamber, Vina felt that she had entered the modern world. In spite of the fact that their chambers were opposite, the Sultana chamber was the complete opposite of the Guilt Chamber. Beautiful scarves hung everywhere, perfumes stood, glossy magazines lay on the table. Music was playing on the phone. Vina did not have any of that. Her husband could not give her all of the above, and for her own safety, he cut off his wife from the outside world.

      – Does your husband let you watch TV?

      – What? Sultana looked at Vina questioningly. – No. It is not My Fault. It is one hundred percent not her. Don’t you have a TV at home? Vina lowered her sad eyes to the floor in embarrassment.

      – no.

      – Oh, my God. Is this possible.

      – In Morocco, everything is a little different from in other countries. Time runs differently there. This is a completely different civilization, not what I was previously accustomed to. But I quickly got used to it. When I first flew to Rabat, I immediately realized that it was mine. The guilt was noticed, and I forgot that she was Adele.

      – And when did you

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