Earth Materials. John O'Brien
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4.4.2 Bravais lattices, unit cells, and crystal systems
As noted earlier, any motif can be represented by a point called a node. Nodes, and the motifs they represent, can also be translated in three directions (ta, tb, and tc) to produce three‐dimensional space point lattices and unit cells (Figure 4.10).
Unit cells are the three‐dimensional analogs of unit meshes. A unit cell is a parallelepiped whose edge lengths and volume are defined by the three unit translation vectors (ta, tb, and tc). The unit cell is the smallest unit that contains all the information necessary to reproduce the mineral by three‐dimensional symmetry operations. Unit cells may be primitive (P), in which case they have nodes only at their corners and a total content of one node (=one motif). Non‐primitive cells are multiple because they contain extra nodes in one or more faces (A, B, C or F) or in their centers (I) and possess a total unit cell content of more than one node or motif.
Unit cells bear a systematic relationship to the coordination polyhedra and packing of atoms that characterize mineral structures, as illustrated by Figure 4.11.
In 1850, Bravais recognized that only 14 basic types of three‐dimensional translational point lattices exist; these are known as the 14 Bravais space point lattices (Klein and Hurlbut 1985) and define 14 basic types of unit cells. The 14 Bravais lattices are distinguished on the basis of (1) the magnitudes of the three unit translation vectors ta, tb, and tc or more simply a, b, and c, (2) the angles (alpha, beta, and gamma) between them, where (α = b Λ c; β = c Λ a; γ = a Λ b), and (3) whether they are primitive lattices or some type of multiple lattice. Figure 4.12 illustrates the 14 Bravais space point lattices.
The translational symmetry of every mineral can be represented by one of the 14 basic types of unit cells. Each unit cell contains one or more nodes that represent motifs and contains all the information necessary to characterize chemical composition. Each unit cell also contains the rules according to which motifs are repeated by translation; the repeat distances, given by ta = a, tb = b, tc = c, and directions, given by angles α, β, and γ. The 14 Bravais lattices can be grouped into crystal systems on the basis of the relative dimensions of the unit cell edges (a, b, and c) and the angles between them (α, β, and γ). These six (or seven if the hexagonal system is divided into trigonal and hexagonal) systems in which all minerals crystallize. These include the isometric (cubic), tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, and hexagonal systems. The latter is subdivided into the hexagonal division or system and the trigonal (rhombohedral) division or system. Table 4.4 summarizes the characteristics of the Bravais lattices in the major crystal systems.
Table 4.3 The six crystal systems and 32 crystal classes, with their characteristic symmetry and crystal forms.
System | Crystal class | Class symmetry | Total symmetry |
Isometric | Hexoctahedral |
3A4, |
Hextetrahedral |
Gyroidal | 432 | 3A4, 4A3, 6A2 | |
Diploidal |
3A2, 3m, |
Tetaroidal | 23 | 3A2, 4A3 | |
Tetragonal | Ditetragonal–dipyramidal | 4/m2/m2/m | i, 1A4, 4A2, 5m |
Tetragonal–scalenohedral |
Ditetragonal–pyramidal | 4mm | 1A4, 4m | |
Tetragonal–trapezohedral | 422 | 1A4, 4A2 | |
Tetragonal–dipyramidal | 4/m | i, 1A4, 1m | |
Tetragonal–disphenoidal |
Tetragonal–pyramidal | 4 | 1A4 | |
Hexagonal(hexagonal) | Dihexagonal–dipyramidal | 6/m2/m2/m | i, 1A6, 6A2, 7m |
Ditrigonal–dipyramidal |