The Secret Sex of Money. Clara Coria

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ideology is much more deeply ingrained and more manifest in both the poor and rich classes, making these two classes by far the more challenging to research.10

      Moreover, to my mind, the exposition of the hidden patriarchal mechanism in the supposed parity between the sexes in the middle class – not least after the woman’s entry into the workforce became especially significant – is immensely attractive and helpful.

      The purpose of this book is to play a part in breaking the taboo surrounding this omnipotent, ancient, contemporary, and yet omitted issue, and to foster further inquiry that may respond to the countless questions to which it gives rise.

      Lastly, I wish to point out that reflecting on this theme is not innocuous. It is as if we had hastily brushed the dust under the rug because we didn’t know what to do with it. We must inevitably face what we have hidden.

      We might even venture, as some movies warn us, that this is not a subject for the faint-hearted.

      To discuss money is to enter many realms: couples, children, the family of origin (parents and siblings), friends, lovers, creeds, ethical and aesthetic principles, plans, assessing the past…

      It is a deeply moving and exceptionally enlightening subject. We could sum it up by saying that it is one that brings to the surface and holds up to the light all the tacit and implicit agreements that invariably underlie our relationships.

      This is why I say that money is a matchmaker.

      This book is for sharing, especially with people of a questioning nature, who are encouraged by the enticing and unsettling quest for that which has been omitted, who dare to query stereotypes and believe it is possible to build new alternatives over old problems.

      1 Pichon Rivière, E. (1971). Del psicoanálisis a la psicología social. Buenos Aires: Galerna.

      2 Bion, W.R. (1966). Aprendiendo de la experiencia. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

      3 Dellarossa, A. (1979). Grupos de reflexión. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

      4 Bonder, G. (1980). Los Estudios de la Mujer: historia, caracterización y perspectivas. Buenos Aires: Publicación interna del Centro de Estudios de la Mujer..

      5 Romero, J.L. (1984). La cultura occidental. Buenos Aires: Legasa.

      6 Hamilton, R. (1978). The Liberation of Women: A Study of Patriarchy and Capitalism. London: Allen & Unwin.Figes, E. (1970). Patriarchal attitudes: women in society. London: Faber.Oakley, A. (1977). La mujer discriminada: biología y sociedad. Madrid: Debate.Mitchell, Juliet (1973). Woman’s estate. New York: Vintage Books.Zaretsky, E. (1976). Capitalism, the Family & Personal Life. New York: Harper & Row.Groult, B. (1978). Así sea ella. Barcelona: Argos Vergara.Astelarra. J. (1980). Patriarcado y Estado capitalista. Madrid: Zona Abierta, No 25.Borneman, E. (1979). Le patriarcat. París: P.U.F.

      7 Pichon Rivière, E. (1971). Del psicoanálisis a la psicología social, Tomo II, pág. 268. Buenos Aires: Galerna.

      8 Mitchell, Juliet, ibíd.

      9 Sullerot, E. (1979). El hecho femenino. En Los roles de las mujeres en Europa a finales de los años setenta. Barcelona: Argos Vergara.

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