Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine. Группа авторов

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Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine - Группа авторов

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same idea of a cornucopia filled beyond capacity with capsules and tablets is rather ominous. Abundance, in this regard, is not necessarily a good thing. The Hippocratic maxim ‘Do no harm’ is sometimes a trying goal when it pertains to medication prescribing, and harm related to pharmacotherapy is common, pervasive, and costly. It is well known that one of the most common causes of avoidable hospital admissions in the elderly is adverse drug reactions, which, in turn, are directly correlated to the number of medications being taken.1,2

      The concepts of polypharmacy and deprescribing are relatively new, gaining traction in the mid‐1990s and becoming a more prominent and complex problem over the past two decades, as indicated by an increasing body of literature. A study in Scotland demonstrated that from 1995 to 2010, the use of five or more medications in the elderly increased from about 11% to 20%, while for 10 or more medications, it rose from a little over 1.5% to almost 6%. Along with this, an increased risk for drug interactions causing serious harm was demonstrated in 13% of older patients in 2010.3 From another study in Sweden, the use of five or more medications increased from 18% to 42% in 1992 and 2002, respectively.4 This same trend was observed in yet another study in Italy, in which an increase from 43% to 53% was detected in 2000 and 2010.5

      There is good evidence that the concomitant use of five or more medications is related to adverse reactions, most notably related to frailty, disability, mortality, and falls.10 A study conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system found that problems related to drug interactions or inappropriate dosing were up to 12 times higher in patients taking eight or more medications.11 Adverse drug events are common in geriatric patients, with evidence that 1 in 20 older adults seeks medical care due to this problem.12 Taking this into account, polypharmacy itself should really be considered a geriatric syndrome, since, not uncommonly, it may have consequences far more concerning than the maladies for which the medications were initially intended.13

      Appropriate medication management in older adults can be challenging, and multiple factors need to be considered for potential benefits to outweigh possible risks. Prescribing problems such as drug interactions, unsuitable medications, wrong doses, and costly options are very common. At least one prescribing problem can be found in 50% of patients with a mean age of 75 and prescribed a median of five medications, with drug–drug interactions being problematic in 30% of those patients.11 In patients on 5 to 9 medications, a 50% probability of drug‐drug interaction was detected, and this rate surged to 100% for those on at least 20 medications.14

      The application of ‘evidence‐based’ guidelines to the geriatric population must be done with extreme thoughtfulness, because it is imperative for patients (and, by extent, families or care proxies) to fully understand the indications and potential risks of their pharmacotherapies. Cohesiveness in informed and shared decision‐making is paramount, and a detailed review of medications with watchful prescribing practices should be taken as one of the top priorities in the healthcare of older adults.

      In this chapter, we aim to provide a greater understanding of pharmacotherapy in the ageing patient and a set of prescribing tools that will help improve medication management for older adults. Special attention will be paid to the newer concept of deprescribing with a focus on improving clinical outcomes in a standardized and individualized patient‐centred manner.

Pharmacological parameter Age‐related changes Clinical effect
Tissue sensitivity Alterations in:Receptor number and affinityNuclear responsesSecond messenger function Patients are more sensitive or less sensitive to a given medication.
Absorption Decrease in:Splanchnic blood flowAbsorptive surfaceGastrointestinal motility Increased gastric pH Minimal changes associated with ageing in the absence of underlying gastrointestinal disease
Distribution Decrease in:Serum albuminTotal body waterLean body mass Increase in:Fat mass Higher concentration of drugs:Protein‐boundWater‐soluble Longer elimination half‐life:Lipid‐soluble
Metabolism Reduced liver blood flow Decreased Phase I drug metabolism Decreased biotransformation and first‐pass metabolism
Excretion Decreased renal perfusion, glomerular filtration rate, and tubular secretion Reduced creatinine clearance Decreased renal elimination leading to longer half‐life and/or higher serum concentration

      Medications move through the body in four steps: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Although there are age‐related decreases in gastric motility and blood flow and an increase in gastric pH, drug absorption is not significantly affected unless there are other underlying gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. diabetic gastroparesis). There are no adequate studies in the elderly concerning the absorption of delayed‐release, transdermal, or transbronchial formulations to make general recommendations concerning these types of drugs. One should always consider if a medication is best absorbed with food (e.g. megestrol acetate) or without food (e.g. levodopa/carbidopa, levothyroxine).

      Two important concepts concerning drug distribution in the elderly are (i) protein binding and (ii) volume of distribution. Serum albumin is the major drug‐binding protein, and it declines in sick patients due to cytokine excess and malnutrition.15 In other words, albumin is a negative acute‐phase reactant. Highly protein‐bound drugs thus have a greater than expected free drug level in the body when serum albumin levels decrease. Prescribers must consider protein status when assessing serum drug levels against reported therapeutic ranges for medication efficacy or toxicity. It is also essential to recall

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