Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. Группа авторов

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Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries - Группа авторов

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      62 Ellender, B.R., Weyl, O.L.F., Shanyengange, M.K., et al. 2008. Juvenile population dynamics of Oreochromis mossambicus in an intermittently open estuary at the limit of its natural distribution. African Zoology 43, 277–283.

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      65 Elliott, M., Mander, L., Mazik, K., et al. 2016. Ecoengineering with ecohydrology: successes and failures in estuarine restoration. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 176, 12–35.

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      78 Gess, R.W. & Whitfield, A.K. 2020. Estuarine fish and tetrapod evolution: insights from a Late Devonian (Famennian) Gondwanan estuarine lake and a southern African Holocene equivalent. Biological Reviews 95, 865–888.

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      87 Harrison, T.D. 2004. Physico‐chemical characteristics of South African estuaries in relation to the zoogeography of the region. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61, 73–87.

      88 Harrison, T.D. 2005. Ichthyofauna of South African estuaries in relation to the zoogeography of the region. Smithiana Bulletin 6, 1–27.

      89 Harrison, T.D. & Whitfield, A.K. 2004. A multi‐metric fish index to assess the environmental condition of estuaries. Journal of Fish Biology 65, 683–710.

      90 Harrison, T.D. & Whitfield, A.K. 2006a. Temperature and salinity as primary determinants influencing the biogeography of fishes in South African estuaries. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 66, 335–345.

      91  Harrison, T.D. & Whitfield, A.K. 2008. Geographical and typological changes in fish guilds of South African estuaries. Journal of Fish Biology 73, 2542–2570.

      92 Harrison, T.D. & Whitfield, A.K. 2012. Fish trophic structure in South African estuaries, with particular emphasis on estuarine typology and zoogeography. Journal of Fish Biology 81, 2005–2029.

      93 Hoeksema, S.D., Chuwen, B.M. & Potter, I.C. 2009. Comparisons between the characteristics of ichthyofaunas in nearshore waters of five estuaries with varying degrees of connectivity with the ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 85, 22–35.

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      97 Hostens, K. & Mees, J. 1999. The mysid‐feeding guild of demersal fishes in the brackish zone of the Westerschelde estuary. Journal of Fish Biology 55, 704–719.

      98 Houde, E.D., Able, K.W.,

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