Palmist. Books 1,2,3. Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Palmist. Books 1,2,3 - Tsvetana Alеkhina

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Now you come to us, otherwise I am there alone, in this house.

      – I will definitely come. Ahmed and Sultana left the entrance and got into a taxi. Rosa explained where to go, and the car drove away from the entrance.

      As they drove up to the house, they saw a car waiting for them. The investigator, the one who interrogated Rashid, was waiting for them. Ahmed and Sultana did not know Russian and they had to wait for Rashid. He wanted to ask a few questions about the Sultana case. Rashid arrived quickly and after a cursory examination of the Sultan, he noticed to himself that this girl was actually a sultansha.

      – I have some problems with Arthur’s case, and this girl is present in his case, I found something. Of course, it was not easy. The fact is that we are looking for another human trafficker, and he is directly related to you and Arthur.

      – To me? What does he have to do with me?

      – As we found out, he wanted to sell you to him. Then you disappeared, it is not known where. You should have crossed paths, he was waiting for you. What do you know about it?

      – Nothing.

      – If I could prove it. But no one goes against him. It is all so complicated. It is possible that everyone is afraid of him. Sultana was ashamed to conduct all these conversations in front of her father. But she kept her mask on and behaved like a sultana. Sultana believed that she was no longer a resident of Moscow, but with one foot at home, and behaved relaxed.

      – I have the phone number of one of his people. Do not ask where it is from, I will just give it to you. I did not use it for personal safety, here it is. And she quickly took the phone out of her bag. As soon as it was turned on, the phone immediately rang. It was just that person. He could not get through to Arthur and tried to find him through one of his drivers.

      Arthur actually withdrew from this case, as he incurred a lot of suspicion and went into a lull. His business was booming in other countries and he had nothing to worry about. Rashid answered the call and adjusted his voice to Arthur. The merchant demanded the Sultan. He needed her. – You promised, remember? Do not be afraid I will not let you down. And Rashid agreed to the meeting without hesitation.

      – So we’ll take him, this merchant.

      Ahmed did not like this idea. He was absolutely against it. But Sultana insisted on it. – Dad, do not be afraid, everything will be fine. If we catch him red-handed, many girls will get their freedom.

      – All right, have it your way. Just remember when I was against your dancing and you did not listen to me, what happened. You have a chance to fly home, and you climb into a brothel. Sultana thought about her father’s words.

      – We guarantee you complete safety. We will not get that chance either. We have been looking for him for a long time. And to catch him red-handed, it means to solve the case. The meeting was scheduled for tomorrow evening. The investigator left very happy. Rashid and Ahmed sat down to talk.

      – So we will be leaving soon. The documents are being prepared.

      – Lilya will fly ahead of you.

      – Who is Lilya?

      – This is my son’s fiancée. They have a wedding date set. The wedding will take place in the summer. This Arthur even kidnapped her. We had to sort it all out. He did not talk about the exchange for life. Sultana heard all this with her own ears, and she was no longer a tenant.

      – Yes, so that I would then die in this morgue. She thought to herself. This Arthur has rather kill me than saved by this Amir. Sultana was sitting next to them on the sofa and no longer heard the continuation of the conversation. She did not hear Rashid say that his son was in the hospital and he was in a coma. The words echoed in her ears – «he has a wedding date and the wedding will take place in the summer.» Sultana could not believe what she heard. She did not want to see Amir anymore and considered him her enemy. Although, what did he do to her? I just rescued him from the morgue, put him in a clinic, and that’s it. Perhaps he did his duty as he said. He did not confess his love to her, and did not swear allegiance. It was difficult for her to accept this information, and she quietly got up from the sofa and excused herself from the room. Sultana did not shed a tear. I just lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. She fell into a dream in which she wanted to forget this chance encounter and wake up feeling nothing for this man. Sultana thought that heaven was just laughing at her, removing from her life the people to whom she was so attached. She was so afraid to fall in love, she fell in love, and this is the result. Now, she just did not want to live, and she blacked out.

      – Sultanа. Rashid leaves. Sultana did not hear his words. She was sleeping so soundly. Ahmed entered the room and seeing his sleeping daughter quietly left, closing the door behind him. «She’s sleeping. Let him rest. Rashid looked lovingly at Ahmed, who took such careful care of his daughter.

      – Let him sleep. See you.

      On the same evening, Lily’s parents arrived, with a return ticket to their city. They were not in a good mood and did not have much communication to themselves. Rashid immediately realized this. He understood the reason and did not even try to explain everything. Rashid knew that he was guilty before them, their daughter, and their family. —We are not going to talk to you here. We will talk about everything at home when we meet. Lily’s mother said these words dryly. And Rashid did not dare to contradict her. Lilya was in the same condition as Sultana. She did not want to leave, and buried her pain in herself. Her appearance did not mean anything. The girl sat with her head down and was silent. She was silent until she arrived at her home. It was exactly a day before her home. Their plane left in the afternoon, and in the evening Rashid had a case with the police, and he did not have time to visit his son at all.

      – This is some kind of evil fate. He said nervously.

      The guests apologized to Lesha, realizing that he was the main tenant of this apartment. They did it in broken Russian, as they used this language very little. – We will leave tomorrow. Lyosha tried to prove to them that he was very happy with them. This was actually the case, and he did not mind if they stayed alive, and especially their daughter. He sat huddled in a chair and watched, as they got ready for bed. The mother went to bed with her daughter. Lily’s father lay down on Amir’s bed and Rashid himself on the floor, all this was done in silence, and no one said a word until morning.

      The day of departure came. Lyosha was so looking forward to this day when at least one of them would leave. But the very last of the arrivals and the most welcome guest was leaving. He did not want to admit it to himself, but it was the saddest day of his life. Lyosha was as silent as they were. Now he did not even dare to offer this girl coffee. She was not available. It seemed to him that a ghost was walking around the house, which he could not touch and he could not talk to him either. He wanted to go with them to the airport, but he did not dare to offer it to them. Lyosha packed his backpack and went to the institute. Although he had to go to the third pair. Before leaving, he took a moment and was able to look into the eyes of this girl and make it clear that he likes her. The girl reciprocated, and this guy left the apartment like a living corpse. Lyosha understood that this was their last meeting. In the evening, when he returns, she will no longer be there, and he saw no point in returning home. At that moment, when the front door slammed and Lyosha walked to the elevator, his whole world collapsed, and he wanted to go without looking back, only he did not know where. Lyosha did not go to the institute, for the first time he missed classes, and went to wander around the city, no matter where he

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