A Companion to Medical Anthropology. Группа авторов

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A Companion to Medical Anthropology - Группа авторов

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we subsequently found to be associated with blood pressure through different biological pathways than for one’s own, direct experience of discrimination (Quinlan et al. 2016).

Age 25–34 Age 35–54 Age 55–65
Dark Light Dark Light Dark Light Total
Low SES 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
High SES 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Low SES 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
High SES 2 2 2 2 2 2 12
Total 8 8 8 8 8 8 48


Method Purposes Procedures E–––––C Further Reading
Participant observation Understand everyday life from insider’s perspective; generate hypotheses; enhance quality of data collection and analysis Engage in day-to-day life; make systematic record of informal interactions, observations, and conversations |–––––– (Bernard 2018:Ch. 12–13; DeWalt and DeWalt 2002; Spradley 1980)
Systematic observation Learn what people do, not just what they say; understand behavior in relation to cultural context Define variables to be measured; develop sampling strategy; develop systematic rules about what to observe; record behavior ––––––| (Bernard 2018:Ch. 14; Hames and Paolisso 2015; Borgerhoff Mulder and Caro 1985; Gross 1984)
Unstructured Understand lived experience from informants’ perspective; build rapport; identify salient issues; discover appropriate language Develop general interview questions; plan probes to explore for detail; listen actively; keep interview on topic, but encourage informant to lead –|––––– (Bernard 2018:Ch. 8–10; Spradley 1979; Gorden 1992; Schensul and LeCompte 2013; Weller 2015)
Semistructured Balance flexibility and structure; enhance comparisons across informants; best for one-time interviews; develop preliminary hypotheses Develop interview guide; ensure all topics are covered, but allow flexibility in order and pace of the interview –––|–––
Structured Test relationships among items in a cultural domain; test distribution of cultural knowledge; test relations between variables Develop interview schedule or other stimuli; expose informants to the stimuli that are as identical as possible (e.g., cultural domain analysis, surveys) ––––––|
Free lists Identify contents and boundaries of a Romney 1988) cultural domain; learn which concepts and categories are meaningful; learn how to ask questions Conceptualize cultural domain (e.g., illnesses); ask informants to name all items in the domain –|––––– (Dengah et al. 2021; Dressler 2018; Ryan et al. 2000; Weller and Free lists Identify contents and boundaries of a Romney 1988)
Pile sorts, triad tests triad tests Understand how participants perceive relationships among items in a cultural domain; examine semantic structure; describe inter- and intracultural variation

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