Fractures in the Horse. Группа авторов
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4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 T1W 3D dorsal plane standing MRI images of a front foot. (a) With...Figure 5.2 Medial to lateral radiograph of the cranial thorax made with the ...Figure 5.3 Parasagittal fracture of a right forelimb proximal phalanx. (a) D...Figure 5.4 Images of a right metacarpophalangeal joint. (a) Flexed dorsopalm...Figure 5.5 Ultrasonographic evaluation of an accessory carpal bone fracture....Figure 5.6 Abaxial fracture (arrows) of a left hind medial proximal sesamoid...Figure 5.7 Forelimb scintigram of a two‐year‐old Thoroughbred racehorse with...Figure 5.8 Adult warmblood showjumper that went acutely lame in its left hin...Figure 5.9 Scintigrams of the proximal forelimb of a two‐year‐old Thoroughbr...Figure 5.10 Four‐year‐old Thoroughbred racehorse with acute severe right hin...Figure 5.11 Evaluation and surgical planning of two‐third carpal bone fractu...Figure 5.12 Four‐year‐old Thoroughbred racehorse with acute onset right fore...Figure 5.13 Six‐year‐old eventer with acute onset moderate right forelimb la...Figure 5.14 T2* GRE dorsal plane sMRI image of a metatarsophalangeal joint. ...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The process of secondary bone healing is a coordinated cascade of...Figure 6.2 Relationship of inflammatory and osteogenic cells. Figure 6.3 Conservatively managed long oblique fracture of the radius (yello...Figure 6.4 The diamond concept for fracture repair demonstrating the key ele...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Dorsopalmar radiographs (a) at presentation with marked forelimb ...Figure 7.2 Racecourse use of screens to shield a stricken horse.Figure 7.3 (a and b) Soft tissue swelling and angular deviation associated w...Figure 7.4 Distension of the MCP joint and lateral haemorrhage associated wi...Figure 7.5 (a) Inguinal, thigh and crural swelling resulting from haemorrhag...Figure 7.6 Cervical fracture. (a) Head and neck held in extension with ventr...Figure 7.7 Digital pressure applied dorsoproximally frequently elicits a pai...Figure 7.8 Displaced dorsal plane fracture of the accessory carpal bone with...Figure 7.9 Non‐weight‐bearing lameness with rapidly developing swelling (hae...Figure 7.10 Shortened scapular length in the complete displaced/overriding f...Figure 7.11 Pelvic bones with sites of immediately adjacent arteries. Displa...Figure 7.12 Swelling (arrows) produced by haemorrhage into the gluteal muscl...Figure 7.13 (a) Displaced fracture of the right ilial wing resulting in a cr...Figure 7.14 Ultrasonographic evidence of haemorrhage (yellow arrows) adjacen...Figure 7.15 Distal forelimb Robert Jones bandage.Figure 7.16 Construction of a distal hindlimb modified Robert Jones bandage....Figure 7.17 Modular extendible splints.Figure 7.18 Construction of a splinted Robert Jones bandage for the distal h...Figure 7.19 Distal forelimb bandage cast.Figure 7.20 Newmarket Compression Boot. Readily applied, radiolucent and rig...Figure 7.21 (a) Dorsal, (b) proprietary flexion and (c) palmar/plantar board...Figure 7.22 Use of a flexion splint to reduce and immobilize mid‐body fractu...Figure 7.23 (a and b) Post‐mortem photographs of a horse