What She Said. Monica Lunin
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Gaus: You are prepared to bear that?
Arendt: Yes, willingly. What is one to do? I cannot say to people: You misunderstand me, and in truth this or that is going on in my heart. That’s ridiculous.
… Gaus: Miss Arendt, do you feel that it is your duty to publish what you learn through political-philosophical speculation or sociological analysis? Or are there reasons to be silent about something you know?
Arendt: Yes, that is a very difficult problem. It is at bottom the sole question that interested me in the whole controversy over the Eichmann book. But it is a question that never arose unless I broached it. It is the only serious question — everything else is pure propaganda soup. So, fiat veritas, et pereat mundus [let truth be told though the world may perish]?d But the Eichmann book did not de facto touch upon such things. The book really does not jeopardize anybody’s legitimate interests. It was only thought to do so.
Gaus: You must leave the question of what is legitimate open to discussion.
Arendt: Yes, that is true. You are right. The question of what is legitimate is still open to discussion. I probably mean by ‘legitimate’ something different from what the Jewish organizations mean. But let us assume that real interests, which even I recognize, were at stake.
Gaus: Might one then be silent about the truth?
Arendt: Might I have been? Yes! To be sure, I might have written it … But look here, someone asked me, if I had anticipated one thing or another, wouldn’t I have written the Eichmann book differently? I answered: No. I would have confronted the alternative: to write or not to write. Because one can also hold one’s tongue.
Be prepared to face the difficult questions
We all experience a strong temptation to sidestep the thorniest issues that are bound to create tension and ill will. The more difficult and challenging they are, the more likely we are to face criticism and rejection. But, as Hannah Arendt shows us, by tackling these issues and demonstrating tenacity and clear-headedness, the good outweighs the bad. The benefit of advancing human understanding is worth the risks of being misunderstood, in her view.
Building on the philosophical views of her contemporaries, and adding her unique perspective as a Jew and a woman, she illuminates a side of the situation not previously considered. This is a voice the world needed to hear and still does.
In today's world, Arendt would likely be accused of not ‘managing the optics'. Perhaps her opponents would suggest she was tone-deaf. Long before the era of political correctness, Hannah Arendt demonstrated a willingness to stand by her convictions, to brave the storm of criticism in order to illuminate a deeper truth.
If your perspective is likely to be met with resistance or awkwardness, ask yourself why you need to speak out in the first place. If your reason is in service of a bigger purpose than your own gratification, perhaps you can summon some of Arendt's tenacity. By attaching yourself to a higher goal, you may just find the strength needed to take on questions and face down those who seek to downplay your contribution.
Once you have made the choice and you have taken a stand, you need to stick around for the fallout. Engage with your opponents. Demonstrate a willingness to debate. Be ready to entertain and discuss opposing viewpoints. Do not shrink away and wait for the dust to settle.
Accept complexity and nuance
So many ideas are swept away because they are difficult to articulate in a ten-second sound bite. Without catchphrases and mnemonics to assist us, we have to really pay attention. A reduced attention span has possibly become more commonplace with the changes in how we now consume media.
Arendt shows us that we needn't reduce our ideas any further than they should be. If meaning is at stake, the right thing to do is err on the side of complexity, but be deliberate in your language, and provide examples and explanations to ensure understanding. Doubting the intelligence of your audience is a mistake. In the long run, ‘dumbing down' your ideas is futile.
When you know you will need to go into some detail in order to explain yourself properly, make sure you have chosen the right forum. Your audience should be prepped. You can indicate, as Arendt does in this interview, you are taking the matter seriously.
In defending your point of view while also communicating complex ideas, you may need to structure, segment and reiterate your points in different ways, for different audiences. Arendt is very clear, almost but not quite to the point of rudeness, in cleaving tone and content. She is aware that her tone may be problematic for some but she is forthright in explaining that her tone, lacking pathos as it does, has no bearing on her central idea — the banality of evil.
Deflect ad hominem attacks
After her article was published in the New Yorker, Arendt was criticised by some for being a Nazi sympathiser. Such an attack must have felt deeply personal and unjust. But, in this response, we see Arendt call out the fallacy for what it was, thus reclaiming the higher ground.
Not every criticism is worthy of a response. Often remarks made behind the mask of anonymity, such as social media trolling, are best left to die of natural causes or to be starved of oxygen.
If you find yourself face to face and need to argue your position, you are more likely to triumph if you expose faulty reasoning. Stay calm and don't overreact. Listen carefully for mistakes in the premise of the question or counterargument and respond on that level. Resist being drawn on irrational generalisations. Arendt did not, and should not have had to, defend her non–neo-Nazi status.
In this interview, Arendt cuts across the interviewer, she leans forward, she raises her voice slightly and she punctuates her words. She conveys immediate strength and makes her position known. At times she is willing to sit back and wax philosophical, while at other times she defends.
The world needs your ideas. Your ability to remain steadfast in the face of nastiness will make sure we really hear the crux of what you have to say.
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