Information Practices and Knowledge in Health. Группа авторов

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Information Practices and Knowledge in Health - Группа авторов

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mobilized to denounce it. The extensive literature on the subject, published in medical journals, bears witness to this [CAM 18].

      Changes in scientific communication in the digital era and in Open Access have broadened the spectrum of stakeholders, thereby influencing the definition and scope of dissemination models. In Health, in particular, research funding agencies, which historically did not intervene in the definition of scientific information dissemination models, have joined the Open Access equation. Today, they carry a lot of weight, as do publishers, libraries and learned societies.

      Funding agencies very quickly began paying attention to the rise of Open Access. The most important among them introduced recommendations in the 2000s; these were directed at funded researchers and stipulated that published results be made available in Open Access. For example, the Wellcome Trust, one of the best endowed agencies in the world, adopted a mandate for Open Access in October 2006 [WAL 06]. Researchers receiving funding were required to provide open access to the results of their research.

      The recommendations, clearly in favor of access to and visibility of funded research, are part of a management logic that finds its functional counterpart in the identification of these results in international databases, such as PubMed, Web of Science (WOS) or Scopus. Publications (mainly articles) are therefore not only “units of knowledge” but also “accounting units” [GIN 18] on which economic mechanisms of return on investment (ROI) are based.

      Open Access journals (based on the Gold Author-Pays model) that appeared in the field of Health were a rapid success with authors who met all the expectations of research assessment: publication of articles in an Open Access journal, guaranteeing the visibility of research results. The authors had no difficulty justifying payment of the APCs from their research budget to the funding agencies. The latter even made it clear in their calls for projects that publication expenses (including APCs) were eligible for funding.

      In Health, where research is based on a dual dynamic of collaboration and international competition, the financial stakes are huge; Open Access is therefore at the heart of the strategies of funding agencies (public and private) to give visibility and recognition to the research they have funded. This strategy has therefore been integrative of the various channels of Open Access, while at the same time driving momentum towards new avenues.

      Strictly speaking, open access is a property of the written outputs of a specific research project, rather than the publication that hosts such outputs. In other words, it is a property of an article rather than a journal, or of an individual monograph rather than a book series.

      Preprint servers are now an integral part of the scientific communication ecosystem in Health [PEN 20]. They have appeared over the last 10 years and illustrate the dynamism and importance of this method of dissemination [TEN 18; PEN 20]. Supported and set up by researcher communities, particularly early-career researchers [NIC 19], these servers represent a new generation of thematic open archives that offer an advanced digital service around preprint.

      The most famous are those grouped around the extension “Xiv” of the eponymous archive arXiv, which founded the Green Road of Open Access. Using this extension in their names as a distinguishing mark conveying values, the new preprint servers claim both a filiation and a specific identity [BOU 19b]. In addition to openness, a discursive marker of Open Access, their rhetoric also includes “acceleration” as a strong justification, which indirectly points to the unsuitability of journals to ensure publication within a sufficiently short period of time.

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