Three quarters dead. Danny Osipenko
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The woman, opposite to me began to move, opened, then rubbed eyes, and having finally woken up, with astonishment looked at me. I soothingly smiled, she to me in reply; and we continued to go, indifferently.
Chapter 6.
Remember the enemy
After what happened to Romka, in family of my trustees I immediately and dialed seconds number of the grandmother. Mom always said to me that at any time when I in despair or in serious difficulty to address either her, or the grandmother Gruna.
Agrafena Anufriyevna Shevchenko was to me not a grandmother, and even the great-grandmother on the mamkiny line. This old woman lived the ninth decade, but there was all same mobile and in a senile way quarrelsome. Many residents of the village in which she lives were rather afraid of my grandma to this day. Every time as soon as we all family came to visit it: avoided us, silently bypassed, and did not look in the face. Grun’s women grinned, having heard about it.
– Vsyak are afraid, prick life the road. – She answered, and began to strive on economy. Everything that was from the cattle, she sold as soon as one remained. My great-grandfather, died in the war «young and beautiful», the grandmother said. She always sold everything as soon as she lost something or someone very important. The daughter her, my grandmother Zina, having married the son of one rich Moscow nobility, returned with the child on hands, two years later. Without having explained anything, left the one-year-old daughter, and left back. More grandmother Zina did not appear. Only sometimes wrote, but it was very rare also only three lines. About the death of the daughter, the grandmother Grunya learned, also from the letter, only from the neighbor, and the best friend Zinaida, Vera. Which told how the husband threw Zina, having learned that it changed and gave birth to the child from another. Left her the apartment after the divorce, «and disappeared as if there was no it at all». The useless daughter did not want to come back home, and to see the child too as she did not love him. Therefore on conscience, wrote mother, and money sent how many could. She died in thirty years, of lung cancer. Having buried the daughter, the grandmother Grunya decided that she Rita (my mother), will keep a tight rein, and will track that did not do mamkiny mistakes. But now also she died. I understood how it is difficult for woman Gruna to see how children die and to live further, now for the sake of me, the only great-granddaughter. All this, in appearance usual human life. Here only neither the great-grandmother, nor the grandmother, and especially my mom – were ordinary people. Each of them, also endured the first forces, and learned much at the mother. My awakening came late enough, the grandmother so told. She felt forces of years in six when began to move objects, without realizing. It only was transferred to daughters. All history goes to the Ukrainian lands where and today remembered a lot of things. The grandmother Zina too at early age, and here my mom in ten years.
Because of so late awakening, the woman Grunya very much worried as without consumption of human energy, earlier they could manage only after thirty years when it is already possible to make the choice. My grandmother and mom refused forces, only the grandmother Grunya still owned a small amount and that on emergency. It on all death, had one theory: that having like, refused at most, mom and the grandmother Zina became so vulnerable that could not protect the soul and died.
In two days as I called the grandmother, she arrived to the house of trustees. The conversation lasted nearly an hour, left in the room, and mudflows in the living room. In the same evening I was taken away by the electric train to the grandmother to the village.
When we entered the house, her dry wrinkled hand squeezed mine, and looked at light-brown eyes with heat and understanding. The first time for that time that lived with relatives, I felt in safety. From the next day for a year, I was taught: to define borders permitted in absorption of live energy; to create protection for the soul and a body; to give the received energy and to seal it; to treat itself and other people; to apply «Eighty Seals of Honour» for all occasions; to operate telepathic abilities and to create by means of them protective fields; and at last, to see the last, possible future and to operate dreams. To the practician I acquired well, and here the theory hardly. It was written in too difficult language and with the knowledge. The grandmother very much was upset if I did not acquire something, and long dinned a word behind a word.
Theoretical knowledge is very important for me, especially now. Having run a hand over a bag, in that place where stuck out edges of the book, I mentally in memory counted the seals, and to me it became quieter.
Having descended from the train on the platform where people scurried about waiting. The high guy, with a dense dark head of hear and a beautiful nape after which I left met the person five. By sight still students, they waved to him, making the way through other meeting people. From them – three young people and two girls: the fat brown-haired woman in a red light jacket and the high blonde with expressive eyes, colors of the summer sky. Its floors of a thin blue coat, wind in different directions, as well as light locks of a flowing hair carried away. Both girls were sincerely glad, to meet the young man whom I did not manage to make out plainly as I stood on the distance which was rather remote from him. Three young people too joyfully began to smile, and having approached, began to clap friendly the guy on a back. At first very quickly and strong, the lowest of three, shortly short-haired, brown-eyed and swarty greeted. Then the fact that stood the arrived guy on the right. Its embraces seemed to me too affected and dry, because of instantly disappeared smile as soon as guys embraced. And having returned on the place, again pulled corners of lips which were not reflected in his cold green-brown eyes in any way. Maybe I too stared at it why that turned the head in my party and is attentive, without blinking, examined me from head to foot. Wind disheveled its laid hairstyle of a fair hair, rose and ran near me. Having strained all the body, from the smell heard by me, I faced with warped from disgust. This smell I never, and with anything another will mix. Aroma of the absorbed flesh so strong that me nearly turned inside out in the middle of the station. It how to eat too much something to nausea, and then, having heard to screw up the face at the first notes. So it beat out me why not at once thought that now with probability in 61%, I got under attention not of the person and sated and who is completely owning soul of the fellow, demon any more. And the fact that I at present, was in several meters from it, so also completely devastated and defenseless, did not foretell anything good.
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