Through the Thorns into the Abyss. Danny Osipenko

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Through the Thorns into the Abyss - Danny Osipenko

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make my dream come true Because you’re strong enough.

      Lyra was beginning to get angry:

      – Strong in body? Or soul? Well, don’t play riddles with us. Otherwise, you’ll know the strength of my fists in action.

      – Oh, how funny! – The witch quipped, bursting into another fit of laughter. She took a breath and muttered:

      – “I’ll be brief. You have a dream. To be Empress of Cusuni. I will help you achieve it. But-when you are crowned, when you receive the scepter, and sit on the throne-then I will come to you and remind you of my gratitude. By becoming a legitimate empress, you will be able to fulfill MY dream.

      – I want more details,” Laira said sternly.

      – Here are the details,” the Witch replied, twisting Lyra’s fist in her hand. – I know all about it, and don’t ask me how. You’re about to die. Ready to howl with despair. All this bravado is just an attempt to hide your helplessness and fear. I am your last hope, so respect me, adore me, and pray for me. Not so long ago, you were ready to throw yourself into a noose. Now they’re offering you the Crown of Cusuni and you’re showing off. Aren’t you ashamed?

      – All right,” said Laira, trying her best to keep her voice cool and ice-cold. – I accept. Well, shall we go through with the rite? What is it? Draw blood? Draw signs? Eat a spider? What? Hurry up.

      – So you’re in? – The Witch’s voice came out with an extraordinary liveliness and clarity. And Laira realized she had finally lost her cool. She’s nervous, too! Very, very anxious to make a pact!

      – No,” she quipped, wanting to teach the wicked mummy a lesson. But the mummy’s gaze lit up with a piercing black anger, so black it cannot be conveyed in words. And the girl gave up:

      – To hell with you. I agree.

      The witch inhaled deeply-the air hissed into her lungs. “Aren’t they holey? – Lyra muttered.” Then the Witch exhaled sharply – “pfffffff” – splashing the future Empress with saliva… Later, the Seven discussed this episode many times, condemned the old hag, and marveled: “where did she get the saliva?” But that was later, and now the friends blushed angrily, squinted and clenched their fists… But the hag and did not think to worry. She spoke again:

      – “The worst pacts are sealed through spitting,” she said. – You said, “The hell with you. And you were right-it has been with me for a long time, and not one, and not a hundred! But you are bound now to forces that would frighten armies of devils. Through me, those powers have entered your soul. Do you know of the Lords of Darkness? Humans know only the weakest of them. There are others: the unknowable, the incomprehensible, whose power, wisdom, and horror are beyond anything you can imagine. And you are bound to them now, as a child is bound to its mother by an umbilical cord. See you later, twenty-year-old fool! Get out, and become an empress. Our conversation is now over. I don’t want to see you again-it’s time for supper.

      The witch took a rusty bell and rang it.

      – Apprentice! Bring me some gruel.

      The great-great-granddaughter appeared at once, trying to drive Laira and her friends out… And she saw that they were pretty angry. Fearing a pogrom, the apprentice handed them a sack of silver coins-as if to apologize for her strange mistress. She wished them good luck. “Seven” accepted the coins, said a cold goodbye, and finally left the musty barn. It was getting dark outside.

      “The Seven went on their way. The soul was empty, but the clear evening twilight offered solace, and the gentle breeze refreshed their thoughts… The friends counted their money, went into the tavern, ate soup, and fell into a bottomless sleep.


      The next day, a strange young man appeared to them. Handsome, well-dressed, he was, however, strangely disgusting. Laira couldn’t figure out what he looked like. He was like a wax figure, too flawless. A perfect face, immaculate attire, perfectly coiffed hair, crystal eyes, and a lifeless voice- polite, soft, and hollow. The young man greeted the Seven courteously, bowed separately to Lyra, and declared that he was the Witch’s great-great-great-grandson, her messenger and lover. Came to give the future Empress a document with the Treaty!

      – You were very rude last night,” the creature said. – But the Wise One, aware of your foolish youth, your lack of education, and your ignorant origins, forgave you. However, you forgot to take the text of the Treaty, an unusually important document. It contains all the necessary information. Mutual obligations of the parties – as well as wise advice.

      – Well, give it here,” Lyra said.

      The contract was written on rough old paper-but in gilt lettering. The script was very ornate, but the future empress was able to make out the words… It said a lot of utter nonsense. For example: “it is not advisable for a woman who has concluded a treaty to comb her hair with a gold comb – otherwise she will go bald”. And “after signing a treaty, you must not howl at the moon – otherwise you will lose all your money”. Discussing such admonitions the seven friends decided that this – as well as the polite tone – is just the old hag’s perverted humor… “Well, we, youngsters, do not understand the wisdom of experience!”

      However, there were some important things written in the Document. First, Lilac was forbidden to give birth until she had paid for the service. A kind of “bail”. Once the payment had been made, the witch’s “dream” had been realized, the ban would be lifted. There was a lengthy apology for this harshness in the text. “We are very sorry if this condition inconveniences you. But we must still impose it-it is the tradition of our ancestors…” Second, Lyra was not to drink or bathe in sanctified water or come into contact with the holy fire. “For henceforth you too are a witch, joined to the innermost wisdom and power. And there are powers that do not like us servants of Darkness very much.”

      But it was promised unprecedented strength, dexterity, luck, the ability to “light up the hearts of people with a speech”, courage, the ability to “lead untold armies”, and self-confidence. The “hidden wisdom and power” was said to have descended not only on Lyra, but also on her friends – and on her beloved cat and dog.

      – So be it,” Laira shrugged. – Let’s go make history. Maybe we can make it work.

      Chapter 3

      And – it went. “Seven” spoke to the intimidated peasants – and ignited their hearts. After all, the voice flowed deeply and penetratingly, loudly and reassuringly. The eyes were shining. “Our war is sacred,” Laira said, shaking her red hair. – And she’s the last one in history. Let’s end wars once and for all!” Many were perplexed and indignant: “This is impossible. Stupid story! “Really? Lyra answered. All great things once seemed impossible. Remember history! The merchant Shuni brought potatoes from across the Sea, and declared that the Great Famine would be defeated. Who believed him? Yes, almost no one! Fairy tale – people said. And the fairy tale came true! Potatoes became salvation – the Great Famine receded. Of course, crop failures happened later – but not so severe. Miracles are possible! A triumphant roar escaped from thousands of throats: “Long live the wise Laira!!!” “Teaching people to plant potatoes is one thing. And to change their bloodthirsty nature is another. Stop hanging noodles on our ears, “said the local clever people. “For those who believe in their dream, nothing is impossible,” answered Laira. And thousands of hands, clutching

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