Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1. Группа авторов

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Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 1 - Группа авторов

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6.13. Using thermite for soldering rails. The temperatures attained durin...Figure 6.14. a) Schematic of a solid propellant rocket (source: https://fr.wikip...Figure 6.15. Schema for the combustion of an aluminum particle in a propellant e...Figure 6.16. Propagation of a discrete combustion wave in multilayer spin mode (...Figure 6.17. Spray combustion: a) individual drop combusting with a spherical di...Figure 6.18. Traces of the droplet paths illustrating the continuous cascading f...Figure 6.19. Control volume (V), the normal n is at boundary(V)Figure 6.20. Discontinuity interface. The normal N to the discontinuity is orien...Figure 6.21. Visualizations of shocks. a) Normal shock in the divergent part of ...Figure 6.22. a) Diagram of a Laval nozzle with a shock in the divergent part. b)...Figure 6.23. Motion on either side of the piston with uniform velocity VP. The t...Figure 6.24. The Hugoniot adiabatic in the planes a) ϑ, p and b) | s. The Mach n...Figure 6.25. a) The flow rate line (in both cases) M1 = u1/c1 denoting the Mach ...Figure 6.26. Rankine–Hugoniot configuration: representation of the steady motion...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Preface

      6  Begin Reading

      7  List of Authors

      8  Index

      9  Summary of Volume 2

      10  End User License Agreement


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