Move to the Edge, Declare it Center. Everett Harper

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Move to the Edge, Declare it Center - Everett Harper

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I.1 Complicated vs. complex systems: Elements only.

       Source: Everett Harper and Josh Franklin, 2021.

Snapshot shows complicated vs. complex systems: Impact of adding one new element on relationships.

       Source: Everett Harper and Josh Franklin, 2021.

      The Mismatch

      Returning to the example of building a plane, once a builder understands the relationships between the elements, from parts, to suppliers, to builders, then the focus is appropriately on building systems to optimize different factors in construction. The focus on becoming efficient saves millions of dollars, and so very sophisticated systems manage these relationships. The key is the valid, tested knowledge of the interactions between each of the elements in the system.

      Imagine your first day at work, and your business card looks like this:

An illustration of a business card.

      What would you think? Might you wonder, “Does everybody have their salaries displayed on their business card?” Might you look around and ask yourself, “How do I compare with the other directors?” I suspect you are definitely thinking, “Why on earth would a company do this?”

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