The New Advanced Society. Группа авторов

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The New Advanced Society - Группа авторов

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      Corda, being similar to blockchain, is useful for storing data among multiple participants, especially those who are having trust issues but, are in the situation where they have to share information. Corda is one such platform that has been developed using DLT, where the ownership is shared through a network of participating companies, therefore, terminating the need for third-party involvement. This platform provides unique features that complement the usage and application of Corda in a variety of industries. Some of these features are:

       Decentralization—There is no central authority or central point of administration in the network [47]. The multiple points of coordination prevent delay and a single point of failure [48].

       Immutability—The information stored here can never be changed i.e., a successful transaction can never be undone after the ledger has been updated. One can perform only create and read operations [49].

       Security—A variety of cryptographic algorithms are used to verify the information before it is stored and to prevent any possibility of fraud [50, 51].

       Auditability—Every transaction is validated and stored in the ledger with a timestamp, enabling participants to trace the previous transactions easily [52].

       Trust—Since every participant has to be verified before they enter the network, everybody’s identity is known to each other [53]. This provides a greater amount of trust among the participants.

       Consensus—Unlike other blockchains, the consensus is pluggable in Corda via uniqueness consensus and validity consensus [54].

       Disintermediation—This feature helps eliminate the third party and their associative fees, thereby increasing the efficiency and overcoming the need to trust these intermediaries in the network [55].

      2.3.2 States

       Task ID—the ID of the task

       Task description—a detailed description of the task to be completed

       Amount—the amount that is required to complete the task

       Assignee—the subcontractor assigned by the main contractor to complete the task

       Deadline—the date by when the given task is to be completed

      The main contractor can create a task and assign it to a subcontractor. The subcontractor can update the state of the task upon completion.

       From—the participant that sends the cash

       To—the participant that receives the cash

       Amount—the cash that is being transferred

      The client can transfer the amount required to complete the task only to the main contractor, upon request. The main contractor can then transfer this cash to the subcontractor assigned for the completion of the task.

      2.3.3 Contract

      In Corda, each state must be paired with a contract i.e., a one-to-one relationship exists between states and contracts. A contract contains the code defining the shape, content, and signer rules, along with the verification function. The code in these contracts can be drafted in JVM languages like Java/Kotlin. Contract execution is rigid and the approval of a transaction is dependent on the details of the transaction [57]. Even if a transaction acquires all the required signatures, it is valid only if it is contractually valid. For the appropriate usage of the above-mentioned states, the following four contracts are used in this solution. The contract validates the transaction and if successful, the output can reference this contract for any future verification i.e., in the future, any participant having access can trace back for verification. The additional benefit in Corda is that it allows the smart contract to accommodate legal prose, namely smart legal contracts (implying to Ricardian contracts). The contracts used in this solution are described below. Create and Assign Task (CAT) Contract Request for Cash (RT) Contract

      According to this contract, the main contractor can request the client for the amount required for the completion of the created task. Therefore, the main contractor is the only participant who can initiate this contract. The cash state is paired with this contract.

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