Electronics All-in-One For Dummies. Doug Lowe

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Electronics All-in-One For Dummies - Doug Lowe

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rectifier circuit, also known as a bridge rectifier.FIGURE 5-10: A bridge rectifier package.FIGURE 5-11: An LED. The shorter lead is the cathode.FIGURE 5-12: A resistor should always be used in series with an LED.FIGURE 5-13: The completed LED polarity detector (Project 17).

      15 Book 2 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: Transistors come in many shapes and sizes.FIGURE 6-2: NPN and PNP transistors.FIGURE 6-3: A basic transistor amplifier circuit.FIGURE 6-4: Switching an LED with an NPN transistor.FIGURE 6-5: The circuit for the LED driver (Project 18).FIGURE 6-6: The schematic diagram for the NOT gate circuit.FIGURE 6-7: The transistor NOT gate (Project 19).FIGURE 6-8: An astable multivibrator.FIGURE 6-9: Using a transistor to couple an output load to an astable multivibr...FIGURE 6-10: The LED flasher project (Project 20).

      16 Book 3 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Integrated circuits in common DIP packaging.FIGURE 1-2: Solderless breadboards are designed with DIP chips in mind.FIGURE 1-3: Identifying the pins on a DIP package.FIGURE 1-4: An integrated circuit in a schematic diagram.FIGURE 1-5: Independent sections within a single IC are often shown separately ...FIGURE 1-6: A circuit for providing positive voltage, negative voltage, and gro...FIGURE 1-7: DIP sockets let you avoid soldering delicate integrated circuits.

      17 Book 3 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Pinout diagram for a 555 timer IC.FIGURE 2-2: How a 555 timer chip is usually shown in a schematic diagram.FIGURE 2-3: A 555 timer chip in monostable mode.FIGURE 2-4: The imaginary switch inside the 555 that controls whether pin 7 cha...FIGURE 2-5: A 555 timer chip in astable mode.FIGURE 2-6: Timing the output wave created by an astable 555 timer circuit.FIGURE 2-7: Using a diode to separately control the high and low part of the ou...FIGURE 2-8: The schematic for a 555 timer circuit in bistable mode.FIGURE 2-9: Sourcing and sinking output current for a 555 timer.FIGURE 2-10: You can combine sourcing and sinking current for the output of a 5...FIGURE 2-11: Using a transistor to drive a higher-current device.FIGURE 2-12: 555 timers can be cascaded.FIGURE 2-13: The two halves of a 556 dual-timer circuit can be cascaded.FIGURE 2-14: The cascaded timer circuit with the 556 dual-timer chip drawn as a...FIGURE 2-15: The finished one-shot timer project (Project 21).FIGURE 2-16: The finished LED flasher (Project 22).FIGURE 2-17: The completed circuit for Project 23.FIGURE 2-18: The completed beeper project (Project 24).

      18 Book 3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: Schematic symbol for an op-amp.FIGURE 3-2: A split ±9V supply for an op-amp.FIGURE 3-3: The output from an op-amp passes to ground through a load resistanc...FIGURE 3-4: A op-amp configured as an open loop-amplifier.FIGURE 3-5: An op-amp configured as an inverting amplifier.FIGURE 3-6: An op-amp configured as a noninverting amplifier.FIGURE 3-7: An op-amp configured as a unity gain follower.FIGURE 3-8: An op-amp configured as a unity gain inverter.FIGURE 3-9: An op-amp configured as a voltage comparator.FIGURE 3-10: Using a diode in a voltage-comparator circuit.FIGURE 3-11: A voltage comparator that tests for a voltage that’s less than a r...FIGURE 3-12: Two op-amps can be used to create a window comparator.FIGURE 3-13: A basic summing amplifier circuit.FIGURE 3-14: A summing amplifier can be combined with a voltage inverter to pre...FIGURE 3-15: A simple audio mixer with four inputs.FIGURE 3-16: Pinouts for the LM741 op-amp.FIGURE 3-17: Pinouts for the LM324 quad op-amp.

      19 Book 4 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Three ways to measure alternating current.FIGURE 1-2: An alternator generates alternating current from a rotating magnet.FIGURE 1-3: A transformer uses magnetic induction to pass current from one circ...FIGURE 1-4: An external power adapter.FIGURE 1-5: NMB cabling.FIGURE 1-6: A standard electrical receptacle.FIGURE 1-7: Wire nuts.FIGURE 1-8: Barrier strips are useful for connecting wires that carry AC power.FIGURE 1-9: A 2 A, 1¼-x-¼-inch AGC fuse.FIGURE 1-10: A fuse in a schematic diagram.FIGURE 1-11: Fuse holders.FIGURE 1-12: A relay is a switch that is controlled by an electromagnet.FIGURE 1-13: Using a relay to switch a line-voltage circuit.FIGURE 1-14: Driving a relay from a 555 timer IC.

      20 Book 4 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: A center-tapped transformer provides two output voltages.FIGURE 2-2: A half-wave rectifier uses just one diode.FIGURE 2-3: A full-wave rectifier uses two diodes.FIGURE 2-4: A bridge rectifier uses four diodes.FIGURE 2-5: A capacitor can be used to filter the output from the rectifier.FIGURE 2-6: A filter circuit smooths the output voltage.FIGURE 2-7: Two capacitors and a resistor cut ripple voltage but also reduce th...FIGURE 2-8: An inductor can be used in a filter circuit to minimize DC voltage ...FIGURE 2-9: Using a 78XX voltage regulator.FIGURE 2-10: Using an LM317 adjustable voltage regulator.

      21 Book 4 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The basic components of a radio transmitter.FIGURE 3-2: The basic components of a radio receiver.FIGURE 3-3: The basic AM modulator circuit.FIGURE 3-4: Using a transistor for amplitude modulation.FIGURE 3-5: How the carrier wave and the audio signal are combined to produce a...FIGURE 3-6: How the carrier wave and the audio signal are combined to produce a...FIGURE 3-7: An FM modulator circuit that uses a varactor.FIGURE 3-8: Schematic diagram for a crystal radio.FIGURE 3-9: A finished crystal radio.FIGURE 3-10: A coil wound on an empty soda bottle.FIGURE 3-11: Layout for the crystal radio circuit.FIGURE 3-12: Stringing your antenna.FIGURE 3-13: A good ground connection.

      22 Book 4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Infrared light falls between visible light and microwaves.FIGURE 4-2: A simple infrared detector circuit.FIGURE 4-3: The assembled infrared detector circuit (Project 25).FIGURE 4-4: Use a current-limiting resistor to protect an IR LED.FIGURE 4-5: A common-emitter proximity detector circuit.FIGURE 4-6: Using an IR LED and a phototransistor as a proximity detector (Proj...FIGURE 4-7: A common-collector proximity detector circuit.FIGURE 4-8: This circuit lights a red LED when the path between an IR LED and a...

      23 Book 5 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Analog and digital clocks.FIGURE 1-2: Implementing AND (top), OR (middle), and XOR (bottom) gates with kn...

      24 Book 5 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: The symbol for a NOT gate.FIGURE 2-2: The symbol for a two-input AND gate.FIGURE 2-3: A pair of two-input AND gates can be used to create a logic network...FIGURE 2-4: An AND gate used in a home alarm system.FIGURE 2-5: An AND gate used as an enable input.FIGURE 2-6: The symbol for a two-input OR gate.FIGURE 2-7: Three OR gates used to create a four-input OR gate.FIGURE 2-8: OR gates used in a sensor circuit.FIGURE 2-9: The symbol for a two-input NAND gate.FIGURE 2-10: NAND gates used in a sensor circuit.FIGURE 2-11: The symbol for a two-input NOR gate.FIGURE 2-12: Using a NOR gate in a sensor circuit.FIGURE 2-13: The symbols for two-input XOR and XNOR gates.FIGURE 2-14: An XOR gate and an AND gate can be used to add two binary numbers.FIGURE 2-15: NAND and NOR gates are equivalent to negative OR and negative AND ...FIGURE 2-16: Creating NOT, AND, OR, and NOR gates by using nothing but NAND gat...FIGURE 2-17: Creating NOT, OR, AND, and NAND gates by using nothing but NOR gat...FIGURE 2-18: Using CircuitVerse to simulate logic circuits.

      25 Book 5 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: A transistor NOT gate.FIGURE 3-2: A transistor NOT gate assembled on a breadboard (Project 31).FIGURE 3-3: A transistor AND gate.FIGURE 3-4: A transistor NAND gate.FIGURE 3-5: A two-transistor NAND gate on a breadboard (Project 32).FIGURE 3-6: A transistor OR gate.FIGURE 3-7: A transistor NOR gate.FIGURE 3-8: A two-transistor NOR gate on a breadboard (Project 33).FIGURE 3-9: A typical TTL gate.FIGURE 3-10: Pinout chart for 4000-series Quad Two-Input Logic Gate chips.FIGURE 3-11: A NAND gate circuit that uses a CMOS logic chip (Project 34).

      26 Book 5 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Schematic diagram for an active-high latch.FIGURE 4-2: Schematic diagram for an active-low latch.FIGURE 4-3: The assembled active-high latch (Project 38).FIGURE 4-4: The assembled active-low latch (Project 39).FIGURE 4-5: A latch in which

is active-low and RESET is active-high.FIGURE 4-6: A gated SR latch.FIGURE 4-7: A gated D latch.FIGURE 4-8: The assembled gated D latch (Project 40).FIGURE 4-9: A circuit that detects a clock transition.FIGURE 4-10: The assembled D flip-flop circuit (Project 41).FIGURE 4-11: The assembled T flip-flop circuit (Project 42).

      27 Book 5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Schematic for an LED circuit connected to a microcontroller I/O pin...

      28 Book 6 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: An Arduino UNO.FIGURE 1-2: Components of an Arduino UNO.FIGURE 1-3: The Arduino IDE.FIGURE 1-4: The Blink program ready to run.FIGURE 1-5: The headers on an UNO board.FIGURE 1-6: Adding an external LED to an UNO board.FIGURE 1-7: The assembled Arduino LED

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