Smart Grids and Micro-Grids. Umashankar Subramaniam

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Smart Grids and Micro-Grids - Umashankar Subramaniam

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      Equation (1.28) and (1.29) are transcendental equation and the solution can be obtained through numerical techniques.

       1.3.1 Gauss-Seidel Technique

      The GS is an iterative technique for solving the non-linear transcendental equations. The generalized form of equation to be solved using GS can be represented as [15, 20]:


      Where ‘x’ is the variable to be determined and ‘k’ denotes the number of iterations, xk+1 is the new value obtained and xk represents the old value. The algorithm converges if the absolute error of new and old values is less than the tolerance of 10-6. In this work, the GS method is employed to determine the unknown parameters by solving the equations of (1.10), (1.11), and (1.13) to get the values of Vt, Rse, and Rsh with the input values of Vmpp, Impp, Voc, Isc, and Ns, and initialization of Vt, Rse, and Rsh. Then, the obtained values of Vt, Rse, and Rsh are used to compute the unknown parameters of ILG and Isat. The detailed procedure on determination of five parameters of PV module is described in [15]. However, under dynamic environmental condition the GS method is failed to obtain the converged solution as the initial values cannot be chosen appropriately. Hence, a variant of GS method called Successive Under Relaxation was used to solve (1.28) and (1.29) to obtain the voltage and current at MPP under varying environmental condition as given in [15]. However, the appropriate choice of selection of relaxation factor should be made for faster convergence of solution else may result in slow convergence as SUR exhibits linear convergence characteristics [21].

       1.3.2 Newton-Raphson (NR) Method

      Newton-Raphson method is one of the widely used iterative computational techniques for deducing the solution of non-linear transcendental equations. This is due to its simplicity, robustness, fast convergence among various numerical techniques [8]. The generalized equation representing the solution of non-linear equations using NR method can be expressed as:



Schematic illustration of the flowchart to evaluate the PV module parameters using NR method under STC. Schematic illustration of the flowchart to evaluate the PV module parameters using NR method under dynamic environmental condition.

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