Bioinformatics and Medical Applications. Группа авторов

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Bioinformatics and Medical Applications - Группа авторов

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rules, c1(X); c2(X); c3(X), we join these rules by majority voting as


      1.4.1 Experiment and Analysis

      Naive Bayes multi-model decision-making system, which is our proposed method uses ensemble method of type majority voting using a combination of Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, and Random Forest for analytics in the database of heart disease patients and attains an accuracy that outperforms any of the individual methods. Additionally, it uses K means along with the combination of the above methods for further increase the accuracy.

      The data pertains to Kaggle dataset for cardiovascular disease which contains 12 attributes. Whether or not cardiovascular disease is present is contained in column carrying target value which is a binary type having values 0 and 1 indicating absence or presence respectively. There are a total of 70,000 records having attributes for age, tallness, weight, gender, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, smoking, alcohol intake, and physical activity.

      Training and testing data is divided in the ratio 70:30. During training and testing, we tried various combinations to see their effect of accuracy of predictions. Also, we took data in chunks of 1000, 5000, 10,000, 50,000 and 70,000, respectively, and observed the change in patterns. We tried various combinations to check on the accuracy.

       • NB: Only Naive Bayes algorithm is applied.

       • DT: Only Decision Tree algorithm is applied.

       • RF: Only Random Forest algorithm is applied.

       • Serial: Naive Bayes followed by Random Forest followed by Decision tree (in increasing order of individual accuracy).

       • Parallel: All three algorithms are applied in parallel and maximum voting is used.

       • Prob 60 SP: If probability calculated by Naive Bayes is greater than 60% apply serial method else apply parallel.

       • PLS: First parallel then serial is applied for wrong classified records.

       • SKmeans: Combination of Serial along with K means.

       • PKmeans: Combination of Parallel along with K means.

Schematic illustration of the NB confusion matrix. Schematic illustration of the RF confusion matrix.

      Figure 1.9 RF confusion matrix.

      Figure 1.10 DT confusion matrix.

Graph depicts the ROC curve analysis.

      1.4.2 Method


       d ← dataset

       a1 ← Naive_Bayes_output ← ApplyNaiveBayes(d)

       a2 ← Decision_tree_output ← ApplyDesisionTree(d)

       a3 ← Random_tree_output ← ApplyRandomForest(d)

       a4 ← K_Means_output ← ApplyKmeans(d)

       winner(0, 1) ← Voting(a1, a2, a3, a4)

       op ← winner_of_max_count(0,1)

       if op ≠ desired_output then

       Probability_calculation of each column with output 0 or 1



      For each value in ci


      For k to count

       Add the probability (Find the max column with which probability matches)

       Number of columns selected as ti

       wi ← Weightage of selected columns

       αi ← Append the weightage with the input of data

      Find mean square error with the training and find lowest (MSE) parameter. Calculate the Euclidean distance


      Find the minimum distance using this formula.


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