Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care. Группа авторов

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Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social Care - Группа авторов

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from the fifteen AHPs registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the United Kingdom (UK). This is the second edition of a book that was originally written to prepare occupational therapy and physiotherapy students for the transition between student and registered clinician. The rationale for the book in 2009 was that few books were interprofessional, and embedded within professional practice. This rationale remains equally valid; however, this updated volume reflects the fact that standards of practice and expectations from both regulators and service users have changed. Moreover, there is a vital emphasis on leadership, quality assurance, equality and diversity, and co-production.

      Co-production is central to Allied Health Practice because it moves the power away from professionals towards service users, and challenges the assumption that service users are passive recipients of care. This in turn elevates the service user/clinician relationship to an equal and reciprocal partnership. It is the process by which service users, carers, and health and social care professionals work together to achieve patient-led and patient-centred services and outcomes (Cahn 2000). Some chapters also contain service-user perspectives or insights (usually written in first person).

      The book chapters will focus on the HCPC professional competencies for AHPs; although the principles covered will also be relevant to AHP students and professionals from other countries that follow similar standards of practice. This means that the book should help clarify expectations from a regulatory body. It may not provide all of the answers but we hope that it will enhance knowledge and provide advice that improves professional practice. In the first instance it is recommended to read the book chapters in order as the content builds on the preceding chapters. Each chapter begins with an overview and concludes with Key Take Home Messages.

      Chapter 1 relates to the HCPC standards about critical reflection and drawing on relevant information to inform and review practice. Reflective practice enables us to critically analyse our professional practice in a way that leads to development and improvement. It is therefore an integral part of improving quality in health and social care.

      Chapter 3 recognises that ethics is a subject central to professional practice. It outlines why AHPs require a degree of ethical expertise. All AHPs will undoubtedly encounter events that raise ethical questions and dilemmas and which will require careful and informed ethical reasoning to explore and address.

      Chapter 4 reflects the changes and challenges AHPs face when promoting equity and equality. This book’s focus changed as a result of the pandemic, the death of George Floyd, and the events that followed which provided an active space for difficult conversations here in the UK and beyond. Many professions became more vocal about the need for equality and equity and in supporting more diversity within the workforce of the Allied Health Professions.

      Chapter 5 relates to the importance of quality assurance within professional practice, with a particular emphasis on leadership. Leadership is required at all levels of professional practice and the chapter reflects on leadership skills and the building blocks for how we can improve the quality of professional practice.

      Chapter 6 focuses on interprofessional working and emphasises the skills needed to work in teams. It reflects on some of the common challenges and considers best practice, particularly in the sharing of information. It is important to stress that AHPs cannot, and do not, work in silos, and it is expected that you will collaborate with other professionals for the benefit of service users and carers.

      Chapter 8 refocuses on the concept of professionalism. It reflects on what it means to be a professional, and on the expectations on individual AHPs within professional practice.


      1 Cahn, E.S. (2000). No More Throw-away People: The Co-production Imperative. Washington: Essential Books.

      Keith Walker & Alison Warren

      Chapter Overview

      This chapter discusses the mechanisms Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) use to assess the relevance of knowledge to their practice. The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), in their standards of proficiency for regulated AHPs (HCPC 2013a, 2013b, 2014, 2018), demand that they are able to demonstrate that they can critically reflect on practice, as well as being able to draw on relevant information to guide practice.


      Professionalism has been difficult to define. It has many attributes claimed, and these attributes often change given the author and the times. There are however common themes; professionals are expected to demonstrate a key set of behaviours that reflect the values, knowledge base, and attributes of the profession in which they work. These standards are usually explicit within in each profession and appear as a code

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