Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR. Hans Ulrich Kriens

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Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR - Hans Ulrich Kriens

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      CTN Caution

      CTR Control zone

      CU Cumulus

      CUST Customs

      CVFR Controlled VFR flight

      CW Continuous wave

      CWY Clearway


      “d” Thickness of flexible pavement (replaced by PCN)

      D… Danger area (followed by identification)

      DA Decision altitude

      DEC December

      DEG Degrees

      DEP Depart or departure

      DEP Departure message

      DER Departure end of runway

      DES Descend to or descending to

      DEST Destination

      DETRESFA Distress phase

      DF Direction Finder

      DH Decision height

      DIST Distance

      DLA Delay message

      DLA Delay or delayed

      DME Distance measuring equipment

      DNG Danger or dangerous

      DOF Date of flight

      DP Dew point temperature

      DR Dead reckoning

      DRG During

      DRSN Drifting snwo

      DTAM Descend to and maintain

      DTG Date-time group

      DTRT Deteriorate or deteriorating

      DTW Dual tandem wheels

      DUR Duration

      DVOR Doppler VOR

      DVORTAC Doppler VOR and TACAN

      DW Dual wheels

      DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst

      DZ Drizzle


      E East or eastern longitude

      EAT Expected approach time

      EEE Error

      EET Estimated elapse time

      EFAS Electronic flash approach light system

      EHF Extremely high frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz

      EL Elevation station

      ELEV Elevation

      ELT Emergency locator transmitter

      EM Emission

      EMBD Embedded

      EMERG Emergency

      En English

      ENE East-northeast

      ENR En-route (AIP Publication)

      ENRT En-route

      EOBT Estimated off-block time

      EQPT Equipment

      Es Spanish

      ESE East-southeast

      EST Estimate or estimated

      ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival

      ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure

      ETO Estimated time over significant point

      EUR European Region

      Ev Every

      EXC Except

      EXER Exercise(s) or exercising or to exercise

      EXP Expect or expected or expecting

      EXTD Extend or extending


      FAC Facilities

      FAF French Air Force

      FAF Final Approach Fix

      FAL Facilitation of international air transport

      FAP Final approach point

      FATO Final approach and take-off area

      FAWP Final approach waypoint

      FBL Light (used to qualify icing, turbulence, interference or static reports)

      FC Funnel cloud

      FCST Forecast

      FEB February

      FG Fog

      FIC Flight information centre

      FIR Flight information region

      FIS Flight information service

      FL Flight level

      FLG Flashing

      FLT Flight

      FLTCK Flight check

      FLW Follow(s) or following

      FLY Fly or flying

      FM From

      FNA Final approach

      FLP Filed flight plan message

      FPM Feet per minute

      Fr French

      FREQ Frequency

      Fri Friday

      FRNG Firing

      FSL Full stop

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