Principles of Superconducting Quantum Computers. Daniel D. Stancil
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Principles of Superconducting Quantum Computers
Daniel D. Stancil
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
Gregory T. Byrd
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina
This edition first published 2022
© 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Dedicated to the pioneers of the first Quantum Revolution, who paved the way.
1 Cover
5 Preface
8 1 Qubits, Gates, and Circuits1.1 Bits and Qubits1.1.1 Circuits in Space vs. Circuits in Time1.1.2 Superposition1.1.3 No Cloning1.1.4 Reversibility1.1.5 Entanglement1.2 Single-Qubit States1.3 Measurement and the Born Rule1.4 Unitary Operations and Single-Qubit Gates1.5 Two-Qubit Gates1.5.1 Two-Qubit States1.5.2 Matrix Representation of Two-Qubit Gates1.5.3 Controlled-NOT1.6 Bell State1.7 No Cloning, Revisited1.8 Example: Deutsch’s Problem1.9 Key Characteristics of Quantum Computing1.10 Quantum Computing Systems1.11 Exercises
9 2 Physics of Single Qubit Gates2.1 Requirements for a Quantum Computer2.2 Single Qubit Gates2.2.1 Rotations2.2.2 Two State Systems2.2.3 Creating Rotations: Rabi Oscillations2.3 Quantum State Tomography2.4 Expectation Values and the Pauli Operators2.5 Density Matrix2.6 Exercises
10 3 Physics of Two Qubit Gates3.1 √ iSWAP Gate3.2 Coupled Tunable Qubits3.3 Cross Resonance Scheme3.4 Other Controlled Gates3.5 Two-Qubit States and the Density Matrix3.6 Exercises
11 4 Superconducting Quantum Computer Systems4.1 Transmission Lines4.1.1 General Transmission Line Equations4.1.2 Lossless Transmission Lines4.1.3 Transmission Lines with Loss4.2