Obedience is Freedom. Jacob Phillips

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Obedience is Freedom - Jacob Phillips

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like a womb from which society and culture come forth. A culture that is estranged from natality betokens a culture suspicious of mutual allegiance at its most visceral. A culture thus truncated is condemned always to be fractious, always ensnared in unbridgeable differences of opinion. A culture that celebrates primordial allegiance, however, can know the freedom of shared endeavour. As Christopher Lasch states, ‘the sources of social cohesion’ are to be found ‘in shared assumptions so deeply engrained in everyday life that they don’t have to be articulated: in folkways, customs, prejudices, habits of the heart’.16 This source or origin was once simply ‘there’; the tacit, unspoken assumption that each belonged to and came from a particular place, to which they would always return once hostilities had settled. It functions like that Paul Embery describes an ‘old universal moral code’, binding on all, ‘irrespective’ of ‘class or political beliefs’; a ‘deep social and cultural homogeneity’, which engenders ‘a spirit of reciprocity and belonging’.17

      The Guardian songbook of Greenham Common prints the lyrics of one of the camp’s most common songs: ‘Carry Greenham Home’. Those who celebrate this music today do not notice how haunting it is, because this period of history still evinces the sense of a shared cultural home, of mutual allegiance. Then, shared concerns could be expressed differently and contentiously, while still remaining shared. This allegiance resides not in the sphere of conscious assent, of self-chosen lifestyles or desired identities. A culture truncated from its sources of social cohesion is perpetually ex utero, forever orphaned, because it is deprived of that which lies beyond any choosing or self-selection, of that ‘so deeply engrained in everyday life’ it does not ‘have to be articulated’. This is also why it is so hard to imagine a way back, because that would be a way to go from ex utero to in utero. This also explains why the phrase ‘culture war’ is ubiquitous and yet the phrase ‘culture peace’ has not yet been coined. There is a broken binary and repair is needed if we are ever to envisage a pax cultura.

      1 1. Quoted in Greenham Women Against Cruise Missiles, Centre for Constitutional Rights Legal Education Pamphlet, New York, p. 2

      2 2. Barbara Harford and Sarah Hopkins (eds), Greenham Common: Women at the Wire, London: The Women’s Press Limited, 1984, p. 16

      3 3. Ibid., p. 16

      4 4. Lynchcomb, At Least Cruise is Clean, Niccolo Press, p. 5 n

      5 5. Harford and Hopkins, Women at the Wire, p. 10

      6 6. Ibid., p. 94

      7 7. Dora Russell, ‘Foreword’, in Lynne Jones (ed.), Keeping the Peace, London: The Women’s Press Limited, 1984, pp. viii–xi, p. xi

      8 8. Lynne Jones, ‘Introduction’, in Keeping the Peace, pp. 1–7, 4

      9 9. Tamar Swade, ‘Babies Against the Bomb: A Statement’, in Keeping the Peace, pp. 64–8, pp. 64–6

      10 10. Ibid., p. 67

      11 11. Harford and Hopkins, Women at the Wire, p. 80

      12 12. Swade, ‘Babies Against the Bomb: A Statement’, p. 67

      13 13. Harford and Hopkins, Women at the Wire, pp. 74–6

      14 14. Raymond Williams, Culture and Society 1780–1950, Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1963, p. 18

      15 15. Wendell Berry, What Are People For?, Berkeley, California: Counterpoint, p. 45

      16 16. Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations, New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2018, p. 92

      17 17. Paul Embery, Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class, Cambridge: Polity, 2021, pp. 18 and 58

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