Social Network Analysis. Группа авторов
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Step 3: Data cleaning
Data cleaning means removing/cleaning the noise (NaN, Missing data) [19]. Data quality will have more impact in the model so using the data with less noise is recommended for better results. Missing values can be altered by generating the mean, median value and so on [20–22]. It completely depends upon the type of data.
Step 4: Read input
read_edgelist is a built-in function in NetworkX library. More details about it can be found in the documentation website. [23]
Figure 2.13 Code block for reading edge list.
Step 5: Visualizing the network
Figure 2.14 Visualization of Facebook users.
Step 6: Centrality measures
Figure 2.15 Code block for centrality measures.
Figure 2.16 Visualization of centrality measures on Facebook users.
2.8 Real-Time Product From SNA
One of the innovative and fancy real-time products out of network analysis is nevaal maps, which is created by nevaal AG, a German company focused mainly on network analysis for business.
Company Vision:
The motive of the company is to “create a front-line solution to visualize information from our social circles.”
2.8.1 Nevaal Maps
It is the SaaS application used in business network analytics. It connects the network (group of people) in the business network together to track them, getting in touch and to make better decision. The capability of it to handle the complex data makes it easier for any start-up to keep their organization in a structured manner.
The three important features about nevaal maps, which makes it more efficient, are as follows: scalable, secure, and customizable. The central mechanism can be adjusted according to individual customer need.
Visualizing the complex network data helps in
– Screening process and investment decisions.
– Enabling the internal/external process of data.
– Providing interactive and insightful view of the business data.
The product is not only focusing on visualizing the network connection but also aids in manifesting communication processes, which is outcome focused.
Figure 2.17 Visualization of graph database used in business.
Social network analysis helps us in every domain, such as fake ID detection, terrorist activities, marketing, social media, and so on.
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